Chapter 2: Black Friday

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   Last chapter we left of on how department stores get there employees. Now you may be asking yourself, "...why am I still reading this?..." and that's a very good question. I'm not sure why ether but I do know that your still reading this. At least that's what I see from the government spy satellites...

Now we follow Geoffrey and Sir Petershmit as they begin there escape plan. The store has closed around an hour ago. Or a minute they don't know they don't have watches. They slowly scurry through the cheaply made tables that there selling highly overpriced. As they make there way over to the cheep copper pans Petershmit trips over one and it makes a very soft chink sound as it hits another pan. Now keep in mind the nearest protection death robot thingy is patrolling near the chairs, which in a large department store is a little whiles away, but nevertheless its sensors were set off and it started to look for intruders, even though it had no clue where they were. So Geoffrey and sir Petershmit continued on through the department store death trap, as quietly and quickly as they could. As they made there way out of cooking and made there way into the next part of the store they were unaware they just stepped foot into the couch area...

   The scary robot that had laser pointers as hands kept on searching for them. These are not any ordinary lasers. THERE GIANT HUGE DEATH LASERS!!!! And it can take down a mob at Black Friday with one swipe of the laser. That's how the employees survive Black Friday. That and they have tasers. They duct tape the tasers to there hands so in case the employee gets swallowed in the crowd of people they can just spin around fast with there arms up and anyone who touches there arm gets 10,000 volts to the face, along with a flying fist.

As they progressed through the couches the suddenly say a flash of light shine on the other side of the aisle and they quickly hid beneath a couch. If you don't remember there finger puppets so there small so they can fit under there. Please don't imagine 2 grown men crawling under a couch that's to weird even for me. Well you can imagine that if you want. I'm not sure why you would want to but if you want to I guess stop reading this story and go think about 2 grown men trying to crawl under the couch. Will they escape? Will the death robot find them and take them out, and I don't mean to coffee. Can they survive in the real world if they escape? Why am I asking you all these questions? Tune in to the next chapter to find out the answers to all of these questions and more!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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