School Of Abandoned

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Growing up I always dreamt of being a teacher. Many kids laughed and taunted me for this dream, but I never abandoned it. Growing up I didn't have an option of going to school. In my small town only the rich could afford to go to school. I was the oldest of the four children my parents had. I knew the most but knew very little compared to my friend Izzy. Izzy's father was an elite man, he was rich enough to buy out our little town if he wished. Izzy was my best friend and one of the only ones I had because I was always working to help support my family. I'd wake around five in the morning and get to work by six. I met up with Izzy right after my day shift and Izzy would teach me what she learned hours before hand. I really respected Izzy, she knew that if she was caught teaching me she'd be harshly punished and possibly disowned by her father. By the time I got home supper was long over.

Thanks to Izzy's daily long lessons I was able to attend a school out of town without being behind, infact I was several levels ahead.  

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