Coney Island

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As I was in the train going to Coney Island I saw this extremely hot boy, I tried not to look at him so much but I guess he saw me because now he was approaching me.

Geo: Hey are you from here, I'm kinda lost.

He was with a group of friends 2 twins and another boy.

Me: Yeah, I am. We're are you trying to go ?
Geo: This place called Coney Island.
Me: Oh really I'm going there too!
Geo: Cool, well I should introduce myself I'm Geo and these are my friends Julian, Jovani, and Mario.

His friends seemed pretty cool and they were cute too.

Me: "Hey nice to meet you guys my name is Dani." I said waving and smiling.
The guys: Hey nice to meet you.
««Geo's part

When I saw her I thought she was so beautiful she had long brown hair and I fell like I was in love. I know that I don't even know her but she looks really cool.


Geo: Since we're going to the same place we should hang out.
Me: Yeah sounds like fun.

»» 30 mins later you guys get to Coney Island.

Me: Um my best friend just texted me she said they are here, I was going to hangout with them but I'll tell them and we will just hang out as a group.
Julian: "I hope that your friends are as cute as you are", he said winking at me.

Hey guys so I wrote this during the summer and I didn't want to publish it but I want to do so now. Don't forget to vote and leave any messages if you would like to give me any ideas on what to write. I apologize for any spelling errors. Love you 💛

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