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Today was Geo's last day in New York before he went back home to Florida. I was not going to hangout with him today instead with my best friend Amanda. We were going to get our nails done and then I was going to go back home I wasn't really in the mood to do a lot of things today.

A: So how's it been with Geo?
D: it's been really good actually we hangout all the time but today is his last day here.
A: aww well at least your going to see him in Florida soon.
D: yeah but how are you and Julian?
A: Well we text here and there but that's about it. I don't think that anything between him and I is going to work out.
D: Well don't worry about that because there's more fish in the sea.
A: Yeah.
We decided to go get ice cream and then I went home. I wasn't in the mood today I was honestly really sad about Geo going back home. I know I shouldn't be but I've just gotten used to being with him every day. I took my MacBook and FaceTimed him.

D: Babeeeee !
G: Yes baby ?
D: I miss you so much already and you haven't even left.
G: I miss you more princess you do know that you can come and be here with me. I don't leave in another 2 hours.
D: Really ? Well then bye I'm going to go over there see you in a bit baby.
G: Ok bye.

I quickly got to the airport and saw Geo there scrolling through Instagram on his phone. I went behind him and covered his eyes with my hands and said ''Guess who?"

G: Babe!
D: Babe.
He gave me a quick peck in my lips.

D: So are you exited to go back home ?
G: No not really because I'm not going to be with you baby girl.
D: Yeah but it's only 1 week, I bet that the days are going to go by really fast.
G: Yeah, I hope they do.
After that we watched some YouTube videos. Then it was time for him to leave and I just couldn't hold back the tears and keep the fake smile on anymore, yeah I know people might think I'm over reacting but I just want to be with him forever.
G: Bye baby. Don't worry I will see you soon babe. I love you to the moon and back and I will FaceTime you when I get home princess.
D: Okay baby I love you more.
I wiped the tears off my eyes and we had the longest and best hug that we've ever had. I didn't  want him to leave me. He pulled away and then he kissed me this was definitely the most passionate kiss that I've gotten. I would miss his lips. He then started to walk away and went inside to board the plane. I was sad but it was just 7 days till I could see my boyfriend again. 7 long days.

Today was now the day that my family and I were going to travel to Florida. I was so happy I could wait to see him I was so exited. After the airplane we got in the airport and I didn't see him. I didn't see anyone ? Had they forgotten to pick us up ? Just as we were about to call and Uber someone tapped my shoulder. It was Geo! He gave me a huge hug and I jumped into his arms and we kissed. Oh I missed this boy so much!
D: Babe, I missed you so much.
G: I missed you more baby. He gave me another kiss on the lips and then we all headed home it was 3 a.m and everyone was tired.
I went on the bed with Geo and couldn't believe that I was with the person that I loved most. He meant so much to me. I was giving Geo kisses all over his face and his stomach. He then picked up my face and we started making out. Geo then started kissing me down my neck and he stopped in a certain spot and started giving me a hickey. I did the same to him and I gave him a hickey. That was the only think that happened I wasn't ready to take it to another level yet it was too soon. We kept kissing but then we stopped and just cuddled. We quickly fell asleep

Guys I really like this chapter well the end of it. It's 2:31 a.m on Christmas Eve and I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas. I love you guys and I hope you guys have fun during this holiday love you lots.
- d 💛

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