Chapter 4

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I slammed my locker door shut at the end of the day. I had to meet Jill and Maya to go "shopping"—which I totally hated and they both knew I hated.

Sure, I liked it from time to time, but now was not the time. Plus, I was still thinking about Matt's words, about calling Dustin. I took out my phone and dialed his number—I took the liberty of memorizing it in my room last night—and hit the green button to call him.

He responded with a, "Yeah." Funny. Not a hello. Whatever.

"Hey, Dustin. It's Mallory." I smiled.

"Mallory." His tone was suddenly lighter. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Um, my friends are taking me out shopping. Where've you been? I didn't see you in homeroom, science, or English. What gives?"

"Yeah, sorry, I've been busy." Dustin sighed. "I'll be back tomorrow, though."


"What?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"No, I've heard something like that before. Like, you say something that says you're alright but you're not alright. My turn for some answers."

"Okay, Shakespeare." I rolled my eyes. "I was just hoping I could see you before then."

"Mallory, it's literally less that twenty-four hours until you have to see me. Chill out." He laughs.

"Oh, no, I'm chill. Just disappointed. I gotta run, you know, that shopping thing." I laughed awkwardly.

"Right, sounds grueling. Later."

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