Lunches And Rumors

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Elena's POV

It was finally time for lunch which means that Ethan will sit with his friends and I am going to kill Ruby and Sylvia. I spot the girls as I walk to our usual table and I see them walking with Ethan to our table. I immediately groan internally knowing that Ruby and Sylvia are trying to annoy the fuck out of me.

"Hey guys, hey Ethan." I say while forcing a smile on my face.

"Hey Elena, I hope you don't mind that i am sitting here" Ethan ask's

"No not at all it's just i thought that you would... you know... you just... sit with your friends." I say nervous not wanting him to hate me. I realize this and think " why the hell do i care what he thinks about me? Why should i he can ruin my friendship with the girls or hurt one of us?" Ethan and the girls notice my absence of thought.

"Elena are you OK?" Ruby asks.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." i respond while leaving my inner thoughts.

The bell rings and the girls, Ethan, and I walk to class.

As we do I see all the girls whispering and staring at me with envy.

Just then my friend Katie comes up to me and pulls me away from the girls and Ethan. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes, she's pale, but she is really pretty. She's lucky, I bet she has boy's all over her. I haven't talked to Katie in a while since we are both always busy and when were not we don't communicate because we keep forgetting to get each others phone numbers since Chase and I broke up. I deleted all of my contacts wanting nothing to do with Chase since almost all of my friends I met when I was dating Chase. I guess I forgot about the friends I had before my long and deep relationship with Chase.

"So when were you going to tell me about your new boyfriend?" Katie says smirking at me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her confused.

"Everyone knew that Ethena would become a thing. That Ethena would become a couple and now has finally come true." Katie says

"WAIT WHAT? No, were not dating you see my best friends Ruby and Sylvia want to be friends with Ethan. Were just friends nothing more." I say pissed off

"Oh shit really?" Katie says nervously.

"Yeah, really." I say agitated but in a calm steady voice.

"OK bye" Katie says running off. Over the years I have noticed that when Katie is hiding something she often bite's her lip says good bye laughs nervously and runs off. She just did exactly that. I grab Katie's arm to take a hold of her.

"OK, spill it out, whats wrong? What are you hiding from me?" I ask Katie already knowing what my answer will be but hoping I am wrong.

"Meckenzie still mad at you since Ashton broke up with her for you even though you didnt like him and... and... she told everyone you were dating Ethan and that she is going to get Ethan to date her so that you know how she felt" Katie says quickly.

"Look Elena I'm sorry she hates you and is out to get you, but she's just a jealous bitch who has nothing better to do with her pathetic life. I know you hate drama." Katie say's looking sorry.

"Katie you don't have to feel sorry OK? I have to get to class. Bye." I say to Katie

"Bye Elena. And we have to get in touch again." Katie say's while walking away. I knew it would be a long year.


"OK so are we going to my house, your house or Sylvia's house?" I ask Ruby.

"We are going ... to do ...the... the same cycle we did... in sophomore year. Your house one day, mine the next, then Sylvia's the next, but ...we are adding ...Ethan so now the cycle you, me, Sylvia, ... and Ethan." Ruby say's nervously.

"Ruby... you know why i don't want boys in our friend group." I say to Ruby softly while looking down at the floor.

"Elena, please give him a chance. Maybe, if you get to know him, you'll like him. Please give him a chance. I'm begging you. Please I really like him." Ruby says softly while staring at me begging and then turning her attention to the floor.

"Ruby, do you like him as more than just a friend?" I ask Ruby. She doesn't beg unless she really likes them as a friend or as more than a friend.

"I do. But, I also like him as a friend." Ruby says sincerely.

"Ahh, OK I'll give him a chance only because your one of my best friends." I say knowing I am going to regret this so much. Sylvia and Ethan finally get here. Ethan and the girls climb into my car and we get on our way to my house.

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