Parents, Parties, Messed Up Hoe's, Drama, Gossip, And Fight's

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Authors Note: Hey sorry for the long and weird title.  If anyone has any recommendations for title's that you think of after you read this chapter based on all of the shit that happens, please tell me in the comments.  Thanks.  Enjoy.

Elena's POV

We pull up in front of my beautiful brick beauty home.  I park the car inside the garage.  

"Ok, this is where you live?"  Ask's Ethan in awe.  

"Yeah, it's too much.  But, my parents want me to have and I quote,"

 " We might not be here most of the time but we want you to have a good life.  To have everything you have, so that you can be happy." I say reciting what my parents had told me after I got into a fight with my parents due to the fact that they promised to come to a dedication speech that I had arranged when I was 13.  I had to go through debates, persuasive essay's, i was mocked luaghed at just to get perrmission to do the dedacation ceramony.  I was made fun of for actually caring about and loving my parents even though everyone loves their parents and families too but, I admitted it and no one else ever does.  Then, I give and introduction speech and am the last one to give a dedication speech and when they are called up front to give them spotlight and give my speech just like everyone else did they don't show up.  I am left there on stage with no one there.  And I was only in 8th grade back then.  I was only thirteen.  Even now that I am 15 and in my sophmore year of highschool, they still arent aorund.  They are only around when it's their birthday to get presents.  Which is why they dont come on my birthday or christmas becuase they will have to give presnts to me not just recive.  I can feel myself about to begin crying and then try to stop myself from thinking about it.  

"Ok so let's go inside" I say to Ethan and the girls.  When we get inside, Ethan starts staring around the inside of my house in awe.  

"Ok so let me give you a tour." I say to Ethan.  I lead Ethan through the dinning room, the kitchen, the bar, the indoor pool, the indoor jackozi, the arcade room, Ruby's room, Sylivia's room, the 5 extra guest rooms, my art room, the five sound booths, and so much more before we finally get to my room.  

"Oh, hey Ally.  I was just about to call you.  I was wondering were your were." I say to the maid my parents hired to tkae care of me when I was younger.  She just became family to me, so she stuck around.  

"Hey Elena so I folded the clothes that I washed for you, fixed your room, put your new clothes that was dilevered this morning in your closet, I also orginized your closet, changed your sheets, and there are fresh one's in the closet, I dont want you to change it so just tell me." Ally tells me.

"Ally you work way to hard.  I have to start doing things on my own." I tell Ally.  

"Elena I insist." Ally tells me.  But i wouldn't have any of it.  

"Well, I'll leave you guys to it." Ally says shooting a glance at Ethan.  

"Ya se lo esplico despues, no te prucupes." I tell Ally in spanish so that only she understands.  And with that she leaves.  

"Ok so let's start with our geometry homework, I finished the english homework and the physics homework during free period.  I would have done the geometry but you guys would take advantage again." I say staring at the girls while we all start laughing.  So after Ethan and the girls copied off of me, we were lost at what to do.  

"I'm so bored." says Sylvia while going into my closet.  Immediately Ruby, Sylvia, and I look at each other and we know that we are all thinking the same thing.  Makeover.  After I work my magic on the girls, I look at Ethan who came back into the room after worked my magic on the girls.  

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