Remember Me

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Jay's POV


Get away from there!! coming.....

" Ah!!" I shot up, my head ached and my body was sore. A shot of pain rushed up my back. My vision was blurry for a moment, but as I looked up I was able to make out what was in front of me. Everything didn't seem right, I didn't know what this all was. I looked at my hands and side. " Bandages?"

" Oh, good you're up."

I looked up and saw a girl. " Ummm...who are you?"

" Umm, I'm the one that saved your sorry butt." she snapped back me with a smile.

" Oh, Thank you, where are the others?"

" Others?"

I looked around, it was only her and I, but how was that possible. " Are the ninja anywhere?"

" Ninja? Look boy I just found you in the middle of the desert."

My eyes widen with fear. I felt myself giving into a panic. I jumped off the sofa and ran to the window. " Wait, what is this place?" I remembered Nya in my arms just when I had brought her back. I turned around to face the girl. " Nya! Where is she?!"

The girl came up to me, and smacked my face. " Jay! Chill out!!" she yelled. I stopped for a moment and looked at her.

" You know my name?"

She sighed, " Yes, I know you know mine." she stated. I looked at her, as if it was some trick question.

" it Yuki?"

She shook her head, " No, maybe you hit your head harder than I though. My name is Natalie."

" Natalie? No...I can't remember...I don't even..argh.." I rubbed my head. A sharp pain crashed through it, like someone was trying to stop me from remembering.

" Hey, it's ok. You did just get shot from a strain of lighting."

I looked at her. " Wait..what did you say?"

" Lighting? In the desert, were there nearly bleeding to death." Her eyes soften, and I felt bad.

" Hey, I'm sorry, Natalie. It's just another day in Ninjago, or wherever I'm at?" I chuckled. She chuckled back. " Hey, I made you laugh."

" So you're the ninja of lighting, Jay Walker."

" Well, not really, but I still go by that name. I'm sorta adopted." I winked.

" Same here."

" Really?!" I looked at her with wide eyes, and she smiled back. " Well, that's one thing we have in common." I smiled. " So how did you know who I am?"

" Ummm...Well, you see it's a long story, you're from Ninjago right?"

" Yeah...."

" Well, as you can see you're not in Ninjago at the moment. You're in the USA..." She cringed a bit. I collapsed to the floor. My strength drained out from me.

" How it that even possible?" I gasped.


Natalie's POV

I looked at him with shuttering arms. I was sorry for him, I knew what it was like to be an outcast in an unknown world. I sat down on the floor with him, and smiled.

" Jay...I want to help you, but nothing good happens when you're around me." I whispered. He looked at me with his blue tinted eyes.

" That's nothing new, if you know my story then you got to know of at least seven bad guys we had to face." he smiled. My eyes widen, but then again was that anything new.

" In that case just stick with me and you'll be fine. I could probably sneak you into the school."

" You go to school?"

" Well, we all can't be ninja." I winked at him. " Anyway I think you better get some rest. Tomorrow is Saturday, so we'll go get you some clothes."

" Right." He got up and faced me. I blushed a bit, and I wanted to show him my powers, but I was afraid. I smiled and walked away, but Jay stopped me. " And Natalie..Thank you."

" No problem.." I gently smiled back. 

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