Not Alone

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Jay's POV

I looked at her and saw black wings. They were beautiful and elegant, but when I looked at her eyes. I saw fear, and as I whispered her name I refused to tell her what I saw. Natalie remained silent for a couple of days, that was until I had enough of her silence. So I decided to come clean with her, and hope for the best....but when I did finally talk to her something incredible happened.

" Umm, Natalie?" I whispered, silently opening her cracked door. There was silence, but then a sweet and soft noise came from behind.

The piano began to play, and her voice began to sing.

" ~Another sleepless night; she's looking up and crying out. He's just a little child; can you stop his hurting now. It's so quiet, but she hears in the silence. His arms are holding you, his love will see you through.~"

Her voice touched my heart, and the song seemed to have so much pain and calming energy all of the same time. I sat there by the door and listened to her, as the song continued; I yearned to want to join in.

" ~ His arms are holding you. His love will see you through. When you smile and you laugh, but you're fakin' cause you don't know how you're gonna make it. You feel so much pain, and you can't see your way. You're not alone. You're not alone~"

" ~~ You're not alone..alone......" I joined, even if this was the first time I heard this song. I began to feel a connection, like I had heard this song before. In a dream perhaps, or a memory.

I wasn't sure if she was listening to me, or if she even knew I was just behind her door, but we continued to sing the song.

(both of them singing) "~~ All the stress, and the hurt and heartache. You may feel pain, but not as great as his name..You're not alone,'re not alone..~~"

The song ended and her sweet voice ended as well. I was still sitting by the door, but I failed to realize that she came to the door-

" Ah! Hey watch it!" I snapped rubbing my head. Nat had opened the door and knocked my on the head.

Nat glared at me, but I could tell she was more shocked than anything. " What?! What the heck were you doing? You peeping tom!"

" What? I was not...I...I was listening to you sing."

" were singing along with me." she looked at me and finally smiled a bit. " You're not the half bad."

I blushed a bit. " Nah, not really, but your voice....That was amazing!" I smiled a bit a awe in my voice. " So what was that song?"

Natalie looked at me. " It's called Not Alone, by Jamie Grace." she stated, the smile disappearing. " So why were you at my door?"

My face began to turn even more red. " Um....Okay, there's something that I need to talk to you about."

Her eyes widen. " Okay, what is it?"

I looked at me and straightened myself up. " Look, Nat, about a couple days ago, the same day that we went to the arcade. I saw something that might had been not real, but I'm certain it was."

" Well, spill it out!" she teased softly.

" You had wings! Black wings, and...and I've never seen anything like it!" I finally yelled, it felt good to bring the situation out in the open.

Nat's eyes darken, and she was ready to turn away, but I grabbed her hand.

" No! Natalie, no more hiding! If we're going to be friends we both need to be true to each other! No more secrets!" I stated.

Natalie closed her eyes and took back her hand. " Then I guess, we can't be friends. Jay, I can't let you into the darkness that I hold, but I promise to get you home as soon as possible."

The door closed and then she was gone. I was left on the other side of the door, but I would not leave, not from this door, or from this world. Not until I set her free. I sat down by the door and looked up.

" Then I guess I'm not leaving until you let me help you." 

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