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Natlie's POV

" Why, hello Natalie!"

I turned around to see Yuko. There was something off about him. " Oh, hey, Yuko!" I greeted him. " What's up?"

His eyes glimmered. " Oh, it's nothing..I was just wondering..are you busy after school today?" he asked.

I was about to say no, but I remember about Jay. " Yeah, I"m sorry..I got a lot of work to do, and isn't the Talent Show coming soon?" I added.

Yuko looked at me confused. " You're going to be in the Talent Show?"

I felt hurt. " Yeah, I have a song I've been wanting to sing.." I snapped at her.

The boy just smirked and shrugged. " Very well, then..See you later."


" I'm home, Jay!" I called out opening the door. Jay was sitting on the couch playing with Raven.

*Meow!* Raven meowed running to greet me. Jay smiled and walked to me as well.

" Hey, How was it?" he smiled. I shrugged.

" Eh, same old same old." I huffed. " Well, actually I sorta signed myself up for the Talent Show next week.." I whispered.

Jay's eyes wide, and a huge smile appeared on his face. I shook my head.

" Don't say anything.." I hissed at him.

" How can I not!!!! Nat, this is awesome! You're finally bringing your talents out there, and showing the world your awesome singing voice!" he smiled, stars appearing in his eyes.

" Right...the problem is I don't know what kind of song to do..." I stated. " And we only have one week to do it." I added.

Jay shook his head and smiled. " Nah, with me on your side. We'll get this done, and besides this is a great idea on getting yourself out there and gaining your self confidence." he smiled.

" Fine...but you're helping me!" I yelled at him playful.

" Are you asking me to sing with you at the Talent Show?" he cooed. I blushed a bit.

" Maybe..." I smiled slightly. " Okay, yes..I'm sure the school will allow me to let you come and sing with me.."

" Then, yeah! I'll definitely help you!" he smiled. " Do you have an idea on what song you want to do?" he asked.

" I did have one song in mind." I head to my room and begin to play a song I bookmarked on it.

Jay stated moving to the beat and smiled. " Huh, I like it, what's it called?" Jay asked, smiling.

I looked at him then back at the screen. " It's called Favorite Song, and it's by Jamie Grace, and the guy's voice. That's TobyMac, and you're going to do his part." I winked at him. " I'm certain you can do it."

" Well, as long as my voice doesn't crack then I'm good." Jay chuckled. " Do you have the chords, or sheet music?"

" Yeah, I've been practicing this song for awhile now, but never got to doing it with the guy voice.." I trailed off. Jay smiled and hugged me.

" Well, I'm glad I'm your guy.." he smiled.

There was a pause......" Um..."

Jay began to blush. " No! Wait! That's not what I meant! I didn't mean that I was your guy, like that, and it was...ahh!!!" His face turning bright red, and he began to chuckle awkwardly..

I couldn't help, but laugh at this. " Aww, you're cute when you like this." I smiled. " I know what you meant."

" Right...." Jay smiled, still blushing. I giggled a bit, and then turned to my guitar. " Did you want to try it?"

" Oh, yeah!" he smiled.

It would take a few hours, and tons of editing, but soon I think we got the hang of it, and I begin to feel as if my life is looking up....I see Jay's smile, and I can feel his bright energy filling my darken heart.

" Hey, Nat! Nat, are you awake?" Jay smiled. I looked at him and smiled a bit.

" Oh, yeah...I'm sorry..."

Jay didn't seem convinced. " What?"

I shook my head and looked at the sky. " Well, I've been thinking..and I have to thank you." I smiled.

" Thank me for what?" he asked confused.

" Ever since you came into my life, the light in my dark world was shown, and you have given me a another chance on life..." I smiled.

Jay smiled and hugged me again. " While I promised you didn't I?" he smiled. 

Echosight: Healing a Darken Heart :book 3Where stories live. Discover now