Chqpter Two

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I hate the first few days at a new house. They're always horrible. I never know the rules or what to do or when to do it and everyone's always nice the first few days, it's only after a little while that they get mean. That they start to hit. Or forget me. Or yell. Or lock me places. Or don't let me eat. That's why the first days are horrid, you're always waiting for the bad stuff to start but you never know when it will. Sometimes I think everything would just be easier if I were dead.

Niall woke up around five in the morning to sopping wet pyjamas and a damp rug underneath him. Immediately he picked up the sharp smell of pee and the familiar feeling of his pyjamas sticking to him. His eyes filled with angry tears as he carefully stood up to assess the damage; his pyjamas were wet from his ankles to the middle of his back and the rug he'd been laying on had a huge dark wet patch in the middle, thankfully though the pillow and his new Teddy were safe. Peeling off his pyjamas he balled them up and pulled on his day clothes before sneaking into the bathroom he'd been shown last night and rinsing them out. While he was there he took advantage and used the toilet and brushed his teeth. At his other home he wasn't allowed to use the toilet unless he was specifically told he was allowed to do so. That was why he never went before falling asleep last night. After his pyjamas were rinsed out he snuck silently back into the room he'd slept in and shoved the small rug and his pyjamas under the bed before picking up Teddy and just cuddling him for comfort.
In the next room Liam woke up at 6 and went for a run, coming back and showering nearly an hour later when Zayn started to wake up. After switching places with Zayn in the bathroom he wandered over to Niall's room to check on him. Upon looking in he found the boy laying on his stomach, fully clothed, and cuddling his bear.
'Morning.' Liam said gently, rapping on the door frame. From his angle he couldn't see that the small rug from beside the bed was gone. Niall jumped when Liam suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He scrambled back and stood with his back against the wall as he trembled and looked up at Liam fearfully.
'Hey, hey it's okay.' Liam said soothingly. 'I just came to see if you wanted some breakfast.'
At the offer of breakfast Niall's eyes brightened a little as he carefully moved away from the wall. Liam smiled at him and waited patiently at the door, offering Niall his hand again only to be ignored as he was trailed by the child into the kitchen.
'How do eggs, sausage and toast sound?' He offered, smiling again when his saw Niall's face light up for a brief second. Niall didn't reply but he stood by the edge of the counter and watched eagerly as Liam started to take out the ingredients and prepare the food.
'Good morning.' Zayn said as he walked into the kitchen, making poor Niall jump again. 'Sorry Niall.' He apologized as he passed him and gave Liam a kiss. 'Smells good love.'
Niall watched curiously from his protected position under the overhang of the counter. He'd never seen two boys kiss before. He thought that Miss Paula had said they were married but he'd thought he'd heard wrong because two boys couldn't be married. That wasn't normal! Making sure not to make a peep Niall watched the food be made as he held Teddy, eventually his thumb came to his mouth and he started to suck on it, something he'd done since birth.
'Breakfast is ready Niall.' Zayn said, crouching down in front of the child. He watched sadly as Niall fearfully pulled his thumb from his mouth and hid it behind his back as he watched Zayn for any signs of being about to hit him. 'Hey its okay, its fine.' He soothed. Even though nine was way too old for thumb sucking he wasn't about to tell him he couldn't do it if it obviously gave him some comfort. As he stood up and offered his hand to Niall the boy slipped out from his hiding place and followed him to the table, keeping out of arms reach again.
Liam served Niall his food and watched curiously as he still wouldn't sit down even after Zayn pulled out his chair and offered it to him. They both let him be and gave him more after he wolfed down his first serving of food, also draining his orange juice twice. Liam had a sick feeling in his stomach that Niall hadn't been consistently fed at his old homes, if his size and the way he ate were any indication.
'Done?' Liam asked after the tiny child had finished off his third plate of food. Niall just looked at him solemnly and took a step back from the table, still holding his Teddy. Liam took that as a yes and cleared away the dishes, Zayn following behind him with the mugs and glasses. Niall watched curiously, peering around from the edge of the counter again. He'd never been anywhere with such casual foster parents, usually they were either really sloby or way too uptight. And they were also being strangely nice; in every other home he'd been in they were only nice to the real kids and the little babies that were still cute. No one ever thought that a nine year old that still wet the bed, sucked his thumb and didn't speak was cute. He rubbed his swollen tummy with one hand as he thought over his new home. So far it was alright, there were no other kids, the house was clean, it smelled really nice, they didn't yell and they had pretty voices and so far they were nice to him, the dark one hadn't even been mad when he was caught sucking his thumb and the other one had let him eat until he was actually full. In all of Niall's life those things had never happened before, ever. He was used to being picked on, being yelled at and never getting enough food. Sometimes they even made him sleep outside, or in the closet but most of the time he just slept on the floor because beds were for real kids. And he wasn't a real child because real children had mums and dads and he didn't have that. And they had houses that they always went home to and they had brothers and sisters and pets and aunts and uncles and all of things that Niall knew he would never, ever have. Because no one wanted him because he was weird and he had funny scars and he didn't like to sit down and he never talked and he was scared of the loo and hated the dark and his mum was gone and his dad had left too, left him with strangers that always sent him to new strangers and never told him what was really going to happen next.
Zayn watched as Niall tried to secretly spy on them and then seem to get caught up in his own world. He was standing behind the counter and staring into space as he rubbed his belly (which Zayn was happy to note had bit of a food baby going on now) and sucked his thumb, all the while still managing to hold onto his Teddy. While they were eating Zayn noticed the faint sent of urine on Niall and he immediately thought back to the bedwetting and made a mental note to go and change the sheets later on. He also realized just how badly the child needed a bath; his hair was greasy, dirty and matted, he was covered with grime, his clothes were not only the same ones he'd arrived in but also beyond help all together. Niall really did look like a little chimney sweep after a day's work.
As if he was reading Zayn's mind (which Zayn was absolutely positive he did) Liam turned and crouched by Niall. 'How about a bath, yeah?' He offered, smiling at him kindly. Niall's eyes widened and he took a quick step back, gripping Teddy tightly as he pulled his thumb from his mouth and stared at Liam fearfully.
'It's okay love, it'll be super quick and it'll help you feel better.' Liam told him, still keeping his voice soothing and gentle. 'I'll just show you how to work the taps and then I can leave so you have privacy.'
At the thought of being left alone in the loo Niall's eyes literally bugged out and a small, strangled whimper escaped his throat.
'Or I can stay.' Liam added quickly, 'If you'd like.' Niall just blinked back tears and didn't respond so Liam took that as a yes. He stood up and offered his hand to Niall before walking out of the kitchen. Reluctantly Niall followed, still trembling and gripping his Teddy tightly. Zayn casually followed behind the two, curious as to why the small child looked so petrified of having a bath. He very nearly bumped into Niall when he just stopped dead in the doorway as Liam went in and started the water for a bath, totally oblivious to the way Niall was gripping the doorframe and staring into the room with terrified eyes.
'It's okay.' Zayn said encouragingly, 'you can go in Niall.' Niall looked back at him with watery eyes and Zayn's heart literally broke into a million pieces right there. 'What's wrong sweetheart?' He asked, crouching in front of Niall so that he was looking up at him. Niall sniffled softly and gave Zayn a pleading look, silently begging to not be made to go into the loo. Zayn carefully reached out and rubbed Niall's shoulder, causing Niall to flinch slightly before just standing stiffly and letting Zayn rub his shoulder.
'Liam and I will both be with you, we won't let anything happen to you.' Zayn promised his foster son. 'Isn't that right Liam?'
Liam turned and smiled kindly at Niall. 'Of course.' He said firmly. He continued to fill the tub while Zayn quietly coaxed Niall into the room a bit more. It was clear as soon as he was in that Niall was too scared to stand on his own so he stood as close as he could to Zayn without touching him and looked around like someone was about to leap out at him at any moment.
'That's it.' Zayn praised as they finally stood beside the full tub. Niall took one look at the full bathtub and burst into loud, painful sobs. Startled Liam and Zayn knelt beside him and frantically started to look him over for an injury or something that would warrant the sudden frantic sobbing.
'Hey, hey Niall, shh.' Zayn murmured, looking over at Liam with wide eyes. 'It's okay, it's okay, it's just a bath yeah?'
Niall looked between the two men and frantically shook his head back and forth, the only type of direct communication he'd given since he'd arrived, and held his bear tightly to his chest.
'Are you scared of the water?' Liam asked, getting a short nod in response.
'What if we drain some of the water?' Zayn suggested in a stroke of genius. Niall hiccupped, and nervously played with his hands as he tried to not suck his thumb. He didn't respond but Liam was already up and draining the tub to halfway.
'Is this alright?' Liam asked. Niall hesitantly peered over the edge and when he didn't flip out Liam figured it was. 'Do you want us to leave while you undress and get in?' The little blonde sucked in a sharp breath and stepped closer to Zayn, still being careful not to touch him.
'It's alright, we'll stay.' Zayn said quickly, trying to keep another panic from happening. Before following direction Niall looked between Liam sadly and then pulled off his shirt.
Both foster parents had to keep neutral expressions as Niall stripped to reveal bruises on pale skin and an emaciated chest, as he turned to take off his pants Zayn inhaled sharply as he saw the marks of a belt and buckle all across his back; they were up to his shoulders and then down below his pants line. Even though they were both furious that anyone had ever done that to a child they somehow managed to keep soft expressions as to not frighten Niall. After Niall had taken off his shirt and carefully folded it on the ground he shimmied out of his pants, revealing an angry red rash covering his bum and thighs. On top of the horrid looking rash there were more welts, some very fresh, and black and blue bruises literally covering his bum and thighs. Liam felt like he was about to be sick so he looked down at the water and took deep breaths as he tried not to vomit in front of both of them.
Niall folded up his pants and laid them beside his shirt as he stood beside the tub and self-consciously held his hands in front of his crotch.
'Can I help you in or can you do it yourself?' Zayn asked, knowing that Liam wouldn't be able to speak at the moment just by the look on his face. Niall bit his lip and stretched up to him slightly as silent permission to be lifted. Zayn gently lifted Niall and set him in the tub, where he just stood in the calf deep water and trembled, obviously holding back tears.
'You can sit love.' Zayn told him gently, giving him a small smile. As Niall stood in front of him he could see every single bruise and welt that was covering his skin, and there were a lot. Too many. Niall hesitantly went to sit but gave a little gasp as his welts came into contact with the warm water and shot back up again.
'Does it hurt?' The Bradford man asked sympathetically. Niall gave him a small nod and sniffled sadly. 'Alright, I'm going to try and fix it okay?' Zayn told him. 'Let's deal with your hair first though, then we'll tackle the rest.'
Liam was amazed at how calmly Zayn was handling all of this. He was acting as if their foster child wasn't absolutely petrified of water, hadn't been underfed and hadn't had the shit beaten out of him, probably within 24 hours before he'd come to their flat. Liam could barely handle the site of Niall's injuries without his stomach churning and his eyes misting over but yet Zayn was talking softly to Niall as he washed the grime out of his hair and waited patiently as Niall flinched away from his hands before recovering and letting Zayn touch his head again.
Zayn had to wash Niall's hair twice to get all of the grime out and by the end the water was gray and had to be drained before he started on the rest of him. Underneath the dirt he found dirty blonde hair that curled slightly behind Niall's ears and fell down in front of his eyes.
'I'm going to do your face now.' Zayn warned, putting some baby soap on a wash cloth and foaming it up. He waited until Niall made eye contact to confirm that he'd heard before carefully starting to wash all of the dirt from his face, behind his ears and his neck. Under the dirt was an adorable smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose and around the edge of his eyes.
'Feel a bit better?' Zayn asked after Niall's face and hair were done. He smiled when he got a tiny nod in response. 'Okay I'm going to start your body now okay? It might sting a little but I promise I'll do my best not to hurt you.' Niall gave a scared little nod again and braced himself.
Sure enough the cleaning of the welts did sting but Niall didn't react at all. After all, it hurt a whole lot less then getting them in the first place. When Zayn started on the rash though, Niall did gasp a little because that really, really stung. Liam recognized the rash as the same one his little cousins had when they'd been accidently left in a dirty diapers for too long. Clearly someone had made Niall stay in wet clothes after he'd had an accident. The child obviously wasn't used to gently being touched anywhere where the rash was because he kept flinching away from Zayn and watching him closely.
'So much better.' Zayn sighed when he finished. 'I think you've got a bit of an infection on your back though Niall.' Niall lightly touched the spot on the lower right side of his back where one of the welts felt hot to the touch and oozed icky stuff sometimes. 'Yeah, there.' Zayn told him, carefully lifting Niall out of the tub while Liam wrapped him in a towel.
'Do you mind if I put something on that?' Liam asked, speaking for the first time since seeing the child's battered body. Niall looked up at him and slowly shook his head, prompting Liam to give him a small smile. As Liam got out the first aid kit Zayn quietly slipped away to find clean clothes for Niall and throw the sheets from last night in the wash.
Liam crouched next to Niall and let him dry off before getting him to turn around and reveal the angry red infection. 'This might sting.' He warned as he put some rubbing alcohol on the wound. Niall merely twitched at the sting and stood completely still for Liam. 'Good man.' Liam praised, putting Polysporin on next and then taping gauze over the welt. 'Now it should get better.'
Niall wrapped the towel around himself again and picked up his bear, looking at Liam curiously as his big blue eyes looked for any sign of anger or spite that would later cause him injury. He couldn't find any though, only kindness and maybe sadness but he wasn't sure why Liam was sad. Was he sad because he didn't want to have Niall there? Niall didn't want to make anybody sad. He hated when people were sad, it made him sad too. He glanced up when something by the door caught his eye and he paled as he saw the other one walking passed the door with his wet pyjamas from last night. He internally started to panic, what if they beat him? Or gave him the belt or made him stay in his wet things all day after? Niall hated that, the staying the wet clothes. It made everything hurt and burn and he knew he smelled but he couldn't clean up because he wasn't allowed, and if he tried he just got more hits with the belt and those hurt.
'Hey whats wrong?' Liam asked, turning from the cabinet to see Niall standing frozen while Zayn put items in the wash across the hall. Niall looked up at him and took a step back, shrinking away from Liam fearfully. 'Is this about your accident?' Liam asked, catching a glimpse of gray pyjama bottoms going into the washer. Niall sniffled and looked down; gripping the bear so hard Liam thought the head might pop off. 'Well it's fine love, sometimes people have accidents but there's nothing you can do except clean up and move on.'
Niall was staring at Liam with his mouth hanging open slightly, his whole body showing how shocked he was that he wasn't in trouble for wetting the bed. In all his life that had never happened before. Ever.
'Babe, can I talk to you for a second?' Zayn asked, appearing in the doorway.
'Of course.' Liam said. 'Niall you can go to your room and wait for me, okay? I have some stuff that'll help your rash.'
Zayn smiled kindly at Niall as he hurried past, waiting until he was gone before turning to Liam. 'He doesn't have any more clothes.' He told his husband. He decided not to say anything about the fact that Niall had clearly slept all night on the floor; they could deal with that later.
'What do you mean?' Liam asked, frowning. 'He's got to have clothes.'
Zayn shook his head. 'Nothing suitable was in his bag. I threw the other clothes out because they were absolutely disgusting.' He said.
Liam thought for a moment before grinning. 'Those trackies that I shrunk in the wash last week and one of our shirts tied up.' He decided. 'They'll both be big but they'll do for now. And we can ask Lou and Harry to go out and grab a few pairs of trackies and some shirts just so that he has something to wear out when we go clothes shopping.'
'Perfect.' Zayn agreed, 'I'll go get them while you deal with the rash.'
Liam nodded and went into Niall's room. Their foster son was standing by the bed, sucking his thumb and holding the plush bear against his cheek. 'Niall.' Liam said gently, trying to keep from startling him. Unfortunately though Niall flinched and snapped his head up to look at Liam.
'Love why don't you come to our room and we'll put some lotion on the rash and give you some clothes.' Liam said, holding out his hand to Niall. He was rewarded with the little blonde shuffling along behind him into the master bedroom. Zayn was already there, looking through their huge chest of drawers for the trackies and a shirt. Niall looked around curiously and curled his toes into the soft carpet, his back arching slightly as he wiggled around. He'd taken his thumb out when Liam had come in but now his lips were bright red, creating a stark contrast between them and his pale skin.
'C'mere and you can put this on.' Liam told him, waving him over to the end of the bed where he was standing, holding a bottle of Nivea lotion. Niall shuffled over, dragging his feet along the soft carpet. He stopped in front of Liam and looked at the offered bottle of lotion curiously; he'd never seen something like that before and he didn't know how to read so he couldn't tell what it was supposed to be. Hesitantly he took the bottle in one hand, the other still holding his towel and the bear, and brought it up to his mouth as he watched for Liam's reaction.
'No love.' Liam chuckled, crouching down again and taking the bottle back. 'You put it on your skin.' Liam squirted out some of the liquid and rubbed it on his own arm to demonstrate. 'See? Just do that where it hurts.'
Niall blushed but took the bottle back. He set his bear on the floor and tried to follow Liam's example. He started to put it all over his lower half, coating the angry redness in the cold white lotion. He sighed happily when the sting went away and began to cover his whole body in the lotion, face included, since Liam had said to put it where it hurts and everything hurt. Liam and Zayn watched mouths slightly agape as they watched Niall literally coat himself in the lotion. When he was finished Niall handed back the bottle, looking between both men expectantly, his big blue eyes shining from underneath his white face. He was literally so coated in lotion that you couldn't see any skin anywhere.
'Done?' Zayn asked, grinning to keep from laughing. 'Feel a bit better?' Niall nodded, wiggling his toes around on the ground again.
'Sweetheart you need to rub it in.' Liam chuckled, miming the action on his own arm. 'That way it doesn't rub off.' Niall looked at him in confusion and tried to copy him, failing hopelessly. 'Can I help?'
Niall nodded at Liam and stood still as the man began rubbing the lotion in on his face, then his arms and shoulders and then his back. It was like a massage for the child so he found his eyes dropping and his body leaning toward Liam as he swayed contently. He shifted uncomfortably as the rash on his lower half was touched but the lotion did feel good so he didn't pull away.
After that was done Zayn handed him the clothes, which Niall took with a questioning look. 'Your other ones were dirty.' Zayn explained, crouching to help Niall pull the shirt on. Niall nodded and struggled into the shirt that went past his knees and then into the too baggy sweatpants. Zayn put a hair tie in the bottom of the shirt to hold it up and then tied up the sweats. 'There we go.'
Niall looked down at the clothes curiously, picking up his bear and holding him as he looked up and gave Zayn the smallest of smiles. Zayn gave him a smile back and carefully ran his fingers through Niall's hair gently. Liam watched, his heart melting as Niall seemed to relax around them a bit more. Niall leaned forward slightly into Zayn's hand, his eyes closing contently; no one had ever played with his hair before and it felt nice, he wasn't even worried about getting in trouble or anything because he was just so relaxed. Zayn offered to pick Niall up and he found himself leaning up to be picked up, though he was still stiff and holding his bear tightly he was letting Zayn hold him. The only other time he'd been held was when he was been forcibly taken somewhere, and that was never nice. Zayn was nice though he decided; he didn't feel like he was about to drop him and he was careful of the ouchy spots on his bum and when he rubbed his back it felt really nice. Sighing softly Niall laid his head on Zayn's shoulder, his eyes drooping tiredly
'Do you want to lay down and take a nap?' Zayn asked softly, swaying gently as he held Niall on his hip. Niall tensed and held on tighter to the man, not wanting to be put down anytime soon. 'No? Okay, you can stay.' Zayn said, smiling and pressing a soft kiss to Niall's soft hair. He smelled like lotion and baby soap and he was finally clean, which was amazing. Neither he nor Liam could get over how young Niall looked, if they didn't actually have his birth certificate then they wouldn't believe that he was actually nine. Not to mention he was so light that Zayn could lift him with one arm without any issues.
Liam pulled out his phone and quickly took a picture of the sleepy child and his husband, sending it Louis and Harry with the message: Foster son! His name is Niall and he's nine. Doesn't have any clothes. Could you go and pick up some shirts and sweats for him plz? He's really, really tiny. After that was done he followed Zayn into the living room and put on some soft music that would hopefully help Niall fall asleep.
Zayn sat down in the arm chair and started to hum along with the music as he rubbed Niall's back and tried to help him sleep. After ten minutes the breaths against his neck had evened out and Niall's body was lax against his own as he slept.
Niall managed to sleep in Zayn's lap for well over two hours. When he woke up he looked around groggily before realizing he desperately needed the toilet, like he always did if he woke up before wetting the bed. Whining desperately he scrambled off of Zayn's lap and looked around frantically for somewhere to go. He knew he wasn't allowed in the bathroom without permission and looking around he realized Zayn was asleep in the chair and Liam wasn't around, so no one was there to let him go. Holding himself tightly Niall hobbled down the hall to try and find Liam, maybe then he'd be allowed to go pee. As he rounded the corner from the living room to the kitchen to get to the hall he heard water running and someone singing in the kitchen.
The running water proved to be his undoing though because as soon as he heard it he felt the all too familiar feeling of warm liquid soaking his crotch and wetting his hands before running down his legs and pooling at his feet. Niall gasped, no no no no no no! This could not be happening! Things had been going so well! Now they were going to be mean and then send him away! Niall didn't even realize he was sobbing as he wet until Liam was in front of him, telling him to shush and that it wasn't worth crying over because accidents happen sweetheart, it's okay and no one's mad love, let's get you cleaned up. He wasn't sure if he believed the man but his voice sounded nice so he nodded and followed Liam, leaving a wet trail and a puddle behind him.
Liam led him into the master bedroom where there were a few bags sitting on the bed. Going through them he pulled out a pair of Niall-sized sweat pants and a dinosaur t-shirt. Niall was trembling and edging his way closer to Liam, every time he had an accident he would start to panic in anticipation of the trouble he'd be in but now it was different because it was Liam he was reflexively scared of but Liam he felt wouldn't let him be hurt. It was very confusing and Niall didn't know what to do.
'Let's get you cleaned up babe.' Liam murmured, guiding the terrified looking child into the master bathroom. Niall was trembling too hard to take off his wet things so Liam knelt on the tile and carefully helped him out of them, tossing them in a pile to go straight to the laundry.
'Wanna clean up?' Liam asked, handing Niall a warm cloth. Niall gingerly took the cloth and cleaned up where he was wet before handing it back up to Liam. Liam took it and helped Niall dress before offering to pick him up. When he got a small nod in response he gently scooped him up and supported him on his hip, carrying him back to the kitchen to find Zayn already done cleaning up the puddle and washing his hands at the sink.
'Everything okay?' Zayn asked, looking at the crying Niall to Liam.
'Just had a bit of a mishap.' Liam said, smiling at Zayn. 'Thanks for cleaning up.'
'You're welcome babe. Should we start dinner now? We kind of slept through lunch.' Zayn said, leaning back against the counter.
'Yeah, I was thinking pasta and garlic bread with salad.' Liam told him, walking over to Zayn who handed the teddy back to Niall.
'Does that sound alright to you Ni?' The darker man asked, the nickname just slipping out without him noticing. Niall gave him a small nod and hugged his teddy close, grateful that he'd been given back.
Liam and Zayn started to get dinner ready, Niall staying on Liam's hip and watching what they were doing. He still couldn't believe that they were letting him eat all of this delicious food! Usually his food was cheap, small and boring- if he got any food at all. Once, at another foster home, they completely forgot to feed him for a week and he'd passed out on the way home from school. At another home they wouldn't feed him the same as what they were eating because it was too fancy and expensive to 'waste on a dumb little street kid'. Niall didn't know what a street kid was but he knew he was one because that's what people called him. He thought it was silly that they called him a kid though because he knew he wasn't a real child. That's why he didn't have a family.
Niall was snapped out of his thoughts when Liam set him down on the chair in front of his food. As soon as his bum touched the chair he hissed and jumped off again, the bruises and welts flaming up against the hard wood. Liam winced sympathetically, understanding now why Niall didn't sit down.
'Would you like a pillow?' He asked, getting no response. He grabbed a pillow from the living room anyway and put it on the chair before lifting Niall back onto it. This time Niall didn't jump off in pain but he did look shocked that he was actually sitting at the table with them. Finally the smell off the food distracted him and he started to eat, after Zayn nodded to him and said he could of course.
After Niall had eaten his weight in pasta, salad and bread Liam and Zayn cleaned up while Niall sat under the counter and watched them, rubbing his food belly again. He trotted behind them when they went into the living room and lay on the floor while a movie about a fish played on the screen. Normally only the real kids were allowed to watch the telly but Niall would always try and watch, especially when there was music involved. By the time the movie was over he had his thumb in his mouth and was falling asleep where he'd stretched out so Zayn picked him up and carried him into the bathroom. Niall was handed a toothbrush and toothpaste so he quickly cleaned his teeth and then looked over at the toilet hopefully.
'Go pee and then I'll tuck you in.' Zayn said, stepping out of the bathroom to give Niall privacy. Niall sighed in relief and used the toilet before washing up and going out to Zayn, who carried him into his bedroom. When Niall was set down on the bed he quickly scrambled off and started to make up his little nest on the floor.
'No love.' Zayn said sadly, picking him back up. 'You sleep on the bed okay? It's yours.' Niall gave him a funny look as the covers were tucked in around his body and he was told to lie down. Before leaving Zayn plugged the nightlight in and gave Niall a kiss on the forehead.
'Goodnight Niall, come get us if you need anything.' He said, looking up and smiling when Liam came in and did the same.
'Sleep well love.' Liam whispered before they left. As he was falling asleep Niall wondered if they knew he was just a street kid and not a real child that was supposed to sleep in a bed.

OhanaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon