High School

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So here's another day of getting bullied woohoo -__- (Insert sarcasm here) . My alarm rang alarming me to get up .. I sooooooo wasn't up for this *rolls eyes*. 

"Hmmmm ... What to wear today ?"-You asked yourself 

"How about these jeans with this belly top ? .. Great "-You smiled to yourself 

You went to go and take a shower letting the water wash your body . You used your favorite Kiwi and Strawberry body shower soap to clean yourself too . When you got out you brushed your teeth and did your makeup (Eyebrows , eyeliner , mascara , foundation , Red lip stick & eye shadow) . You looked at your self in the mirror and nodded . You went into your bedroom then lotioned up , when you was done you put on your favorite purple lace lingerie and matching bra . You sprayed yourself with some Victoria's Secret spray .

You put on your denim cut jeans and a blue belly top which showed your belly ring . You put on your white , gray and blue Jordans then put some accessories on . You put your hair up in a donut bun , jelled your edges and grabbed your bag then headed downstairs .

"SHIT ! Imma be late"-You said as you quickly grabbed your apple then headed out , almost forgetting your bag .

You went to the garage and got into your all black Range Rover with the tinted windows then drove to school .

At School 

"Well Well Well ... Isn't it little miss Jordyn lookin mighty fine today huh"-Jacob licked his lips and chuckled a little 

"Can't you leave me alone for one day ?"-You sighed and mumbled 

"What was that ?"-Jacob's smile faded 

"Can't you leave me alone ?"-You said a little louder 

"Shut tf up no I will not leave you alone"-Jacob said slamming you onto his locker 

You groaned in pain . Jacob and his friends laughed 

The Bell rang .

"You're lucky that the bell rang"-Jacob said letting you go and letting you slide down the lockers 

All day you did your best to try and avoid any contact with Jacob and it worked . Well at least you thought that it did until last period which was Science .

"OKAY CLASS SETTLE DOWN"-Mrs Mark shouted . The class got quiet instantly .

"Thank you oka-

"Sorry I'm late mrs"-Jacob said 

"Whatever go and sit next to ...... Jordyn at the back please ."-Mrs Mark said 

"Ooh okay"-Jacob said smirking at you 

"You realize that this will be an after school detention right ?"-Mrs Mark said walking to the board 

"C'mon miss "-Jacob sighed walking to his seat next to yours

"Well next time you'll learn to come to class ON TIME Jacob"-Mrs Mark rolled her eyes 

"Whatever"-Jacob mumbled while sitting in his seat causing you to shift in your seat a little

"ANYWAYS As I was said before I got rudely interrupted ... This semester , we will be doing experiments with different chemicals "-Mrs Mark said 

"Cool"-The class said 

"Yeah .. Yall will be in partners tho to make the project go quicker . At the end of the semester yall will present to the class what yall have learnt with the different chemicals and what yall were able to create using the different chemicals "-Mrs mark said 

"John with Stephanie . Julian with Ann-Rose . Ivory with Charlotte . Ronnie with Sierra . Adam with Joselyn . Frank with Laura . Mannie with Bree aaaaand Jacob with Jordyn ."-Mrs Mark smiled

As soon as she said the last two , your eyes shot up at her then looked at Jacob who was smirking at you then you shot your eyes straight back at Mrs Mark

 "Ummmmm .... Is there a problem Jordyn ?"-Mrs Mark asked referring to you 

"Umm I-I .. No"-You sighed then looked down 

"Great !"-She squealed 

"Okay guys gather round my desk so that I can show yall something"-Mrs Mark said 

Everybody quickly gathered around her table . 

"Okay now this is Hydroxide in this test tube , what yall gonna do is gonna add about a third of Ammonia into the Hydroxide test tube "-Mrs Mark showered the class what was happening .

"Can yall see that when I added the Ammonia , it fizzed and then turned a light blue ?"-She asked the class . "Well thats what yall gonna do for now so of to your seat"-She continued and watched as everyone went back to their desk

Bell Rings 

"Okay class , well done for today please start on the project tonight with your partners "-Mrs Mark said 


"Aye Jordyn !"-Jacob shouted jogging up to you 

"What ?"-You mumbled 

"Wait for me Imma coming to your house tonight for this dumb ass project"-Jacob said 

"Oh - U-umm okay"- You stuttered a little almost dropping the project 

"Don't be scared baby girl"-Jacob whispered in your ear making you back up against your car 

"I-I .. I'll j-just be i-in the c-car "-You flashed a quick smile then got into the car 

Jacob's P.O.V 

Maaaaan that Jordyn girl is really scared of me . Yeah Ik ik your wondering why I am bullying her and doing the things that I do to her right ?

Hell nawl I don't love her but yall thought that right . It's just that I simply don't like her . Dumb reason right ? Yeah yeah but whatever . 

So I made my way back into Mrs Mark's class for this stupid ass detention . I came into the room and she wasn't even there . I stayed back for at least 2 minuets ; yet still no sign of her . So I just left and get into Jordyn's car making her jump a little .

P.O.V Over 

"Lets go then"-Jacob said strapping himself in 

With no hesitation you just drove to your house . During the whole ride there was an awkward silence .

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