Chapter 3: Letters to Tris

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Author's note: 

Hey everyone! I just want to tell you I did get the idea of a serum from ANOTHER FAN FICTION. I want to give credit to her, and I will edit to put her name in. It is such a great idea. But "letters to Tris" and "Letters to Tobias" and what I have written are strictly my writing. :) I hope you like it so far, and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a sucks..... anyway, please enjoy. 

Chapter 3

Dear Tris, 

I don't dare think that you did this wrecklessly. I want to believe that it was just something that had to happen. Though I wish for such a serum, well... it's not going to happen I don't think. And if it is, well it's hard to think that I will keep growing, and you would be stuck at age 16. 

I would always wait for you Tris. Always. 

I love you


I send the letter off. This is a great kind of technology, it's the only way I can talk to Tris. I miss her so much, and it's almost unbearable. I get up from the desk and walk outside and towards the Dauntless Compound where I can go through my fear landscape. 

I am no longer Four. 

I no longer have four fears. 

It has gotten worse since Tris has been gone. The clausterphobia and shooting a nameless woman are worse. My father is gone from my fear landscape though, that is the only good thing. The rest of the fears are mostly about Tris. Seeing her die in different ways and I can't seem to forget and get out of the landscape like I usually do. But, one fear sticks out, and that is her, just Tris standing there. That is when I am able to talk to her face to face, is through that one fear. 

To get out of the fear? To get out of the landscape I enter every day?

Is to forget her. But how do I do that? I simply can't forget her. She is too special to me. I breathe in and out, and go through my landscape. 

Maybe this time I won't get out of the landscape. It will be just me and her this time. Forever. 

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