Chapter 2

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The final glimpses of daylight had been obliterated by the approach of nighttime dragging itself across the skies. Though, with the busy lives of busy people, it wasn't uncommon that a days work would bleed and stitch itself to another. They would all be the same; thin lines would separate two different days for an actor, but it didn't matter when crews drowned themselves in pitchers of coffee and endless cans of energy drinks. Three days could mold into one.

In this case, two full days had gone by since Bugs last ordered Porky Pig to send [Y/N] Fox the letter of acceptance. What if she declined the job? That résumé had been sent in months ago and they had overlooked her back then. Perhaps she had lost interest and found another production company that had interviewed her instantly. Of course, nothing was better than being a star on the Looney Tunes Show.

"Where is she, Porkster?" He asked the stubby assistant, tossing his white coat over a shoulder as his long-legged gait took him down the corridor. Maybe there was an anxiousness in his voice, one that gave away how antsy he'd gotten recently? Bugs cleared his throat and continued, trying to explain himself. "We've got to see what she can really do in that spotlight." Yeah, that's it. "Not everyone's cut out for it, you know."

Porky did his best to keep up with Bugs, his short legs working fast to maintain the quick pace that the white-haired male ahead of him was taking. "Uh—let's see—let's see here." He held a pile of papers up to his face, eyes squinting at the ink squiggles that danced across the pages. "The sch—schedule says she—she got here this morning!"

"What? Why wasn't she brought to me, Porks?" Bugs jumped at the news, his attention snapping over and down at the short fellow doing his best to keep up. "For an interview, I mean."

"B—because she isn't—isn't filming in your scenes," Porky answered with a nod of his head, a large grin spread on his lips as he was able to point out and explain why the new actress wasn't able to schedule a meeting with Bugs. "W—we a—also didn't want to b—bother you. The—the directors for Wile E. Coyote and R—Roadrunner are g—getting to know her better. They're filming her first shot t—tonight. If the kids l—love her, she stays."

Bugs' eyes narrowed as they stared straight ahead. Of course, he should have known that. [Y/N] was a fox, they would most definitely place her with a predator like Wile E. But what about him? Bugs? There could easily be an adapted episode of prey and predator, fox against rabbit. Although, what kind of cruel, comedic stunts would they have to pull on one another? He almost winced.

"Yeah, okay, then Porkster," Bugs answered, allowing his brow to relax. If she wasn't going to come to him, he would have to bring himself to her. The manifestation of a smirk then pulled its way upwards at the corner of his lips. "'Then we'll have a party, invite everyone, to welcome [Y/N] to the crew."

"I—If she makes it past her f—first—first gig," the pudgy man corrected, but nodded and the same time. "S—should I send out the invi—invitations to the mansion?"

"No!" the comedian exclaimed, misty-blue eyes widening. Heavens, no. He wasn't an idiot. By morning, there wouldn't be a mansion left for him to live in. "I mean," Bugs continued with a good-hearted chuckle, "it's summer, Porky! The sun is out, the days are warm." He outstretched his hands to create a canvas in front of them. "Just imagine—a beach party."

Porky looked ahead, trying to see what his friend was seeing but all it brought him was a muddled look. "Uh... Right!" He took a note to remind himself to begin the planning. Of course, he wasn't going to launch the idea and invitations until they were sure that [Y/N] Fox did get the job. "B—beach party."

Bugs sighed and rolled his eyes, reaching over to pat the short man's head. "Yes. I'm going to head back home for some carrot stew." He waved him off and turned around abruptly. "After an hour, if you need me, I'll be out at the pool. If not, I'm heading to the studio tonight to check out [Y/N]." He laughed to himself, smiling as he left.

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