Chapter 6

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"Well, I say, I say it's mighty cute you think you can win this fight, missy, but this ain't called a 'chicken fight' for no reason." The competitively thrown jeer from Foghorn became the trigger to a crowd of uproar, cheering for the two teams remaining in the midst of crashing ocean waves. With Henery perched atop of the male's shoulders, fist-pumped in the air from the victory of knocking down team Pepé and Penelope both of which who were spitting out ocean water as they aided one another to escape their battlefield, they were a tank.

"Take. Them. DOWN!" Came Lola's aggressive support back where the water met sand, licking up everyone's feet and slipping gravel between their toes as they jumped up and down in the hype of their enthusiasm. "Whoop whoop!"

Salty specks dripped down the crevices of [Y/N]'s body, the beating sun beaming down over her exposed skin and occasionally blinding both her and her partner at certain angles. "How're you holding up, Wile E.?"

In response, her partner's fingers tightened their grip on her legs as a wave crashed into his torso and nearly swept them both away. Opposing them, Foghorn's larger build across the waters was sturdy enough to leave him unfazed! She knew that her own partner must be exhausted, especially if they'd made it into the top two of this chicken fight; his shoulders were trembling beneath her thighs and it was apparent to her that he was doing his best to flex and keep them upright.

"We can win this, buddy."

"Wave, incoming!"

The crest of ocean foam had gathered against the horizon, collecting itself to blossom into an opponent that would crash over the two teams while they'd been too caught up in the taunting of one another. There was no time left for the boys as Foghorn bellowed out that he was no coward, nor a chicken, so any attempts that Henry had to yank and convince him to run for their lives was futile. Before Wile E. had the sense to turn tail and get his partner and himself out of there, [Y/N] caught a glimpse of Henery groping Foghorn's face with his legs locked around his neck to ensure that he wouldn't get swept away with the current. And over went the wave.

"Run, Wile E!" [Y/N] found herself laughing out loud, a little tremble of nervousness also making a home in her vocals, everyone's cheering drowned out by the fast-approaching waters. Too fast. The male was no match for such competition. Mid-wading toward safety, she turned over her shoulder and the next thing they knew they were hit and were tumbling down. The last she heard was her own shriek and [Y/N] slipped off his broad shoulders in a smooth swoop, but felt his hand glide down her leg in a desperate attempt to keep them together. It failed.

Successful, the ocean withdrew its wave to leave the newfound actress on all fours with water dripping off her skin. The fur of her tail had flattened on itself, damp ears pressed against her [H/C] hair, but she took no time to jump up and flick away the water and spin around on the sand while spitting saltwater from her lips. Pushing stray hair from the curves of her face, she found Wile E. wading back to the shore with his arms waving through the air. She waved back in his direction, but heard the call of her name and spun around to Bugs and the crew coming in their direction.

"How was that for a party kick-starter?" Grinning from ear to ear while getting a close-up view of her, Bugs held his hand over his brow to block the sun from shining directly into his eyes. "You even beat Foghorn at his own game." The water went swirling around their legs, but the congratulating friends gave him no time to speak to her as they swarmed [Y/N] and began to herd her back to shore.

Still dazed by the wave attack, body now cold that she wasn't blanketed in the warmth of the ocean, the fox and coyote were shoved together and she couldn't help but call out at Bugs' news to her. "What? Beat Foghorn?" A pair of towels were thrown in Wile E.'s direction and he took the courtesy of draping one over her shoulders.

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