Chapter 7

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"Working at my last gig was a terror, especially with my old booking agent," [Y/N] had been saying to them, face blooming with hues of oranges and red. She sat on the same log with him, with Speedy on the opposite side down on the sand whilst strumming his guitar for some late night beach ambiance.

The sun had dropped past the horizon and Bugs had opted to replace his damp beach towel with a blanket from his car. Most of everyone had changed from their swimsuits, others had left early to get to work in the morning, but he and a few others had a handful of hours left to spare. That included Tina and Daffy, and Rhodes who'd offered to drive [Y/N] home. Bugs would have offered himself if he'd remembered Porky had brought her.

"I hired this lady about two or three years into my acting career because I was looking to move up in the film industry, and she practically ran around the whole place screaming in everyone's ears and grabbing at anything she could get her hands on because no one else could do it right."

"Sounds a little like Daffy," Bugs said dryly, to which the other male put his hand over his heart like he'd been wounded, and [Y/N] laughed the laugh where she covered her mouth with her hand. So proper and prim.

"You're not wrong, but a little like Daffy," [Y/N] spoke mischievously and this time it was Tina who snorted with laughter, stopping the way she'd been combing her fingers through her boyfriend's hair.

Daffy straightened to get his head off Tina's lap, swatting her hand away. "I'm not really like that, am I?" He swiveled around to his lover, demanding her to tell her he wasn't in a bout of overdramatic distress. She didn't look amused until he took her by the shoulders and shook her until Tina agreed for him to calm down.

"Oh, you big baby," she rolled her eyes but was unable to stop the grin from making its way to her face.

Bugs sighed when his friend kissed her cheek sweetly while uttering what sounded like a 'thank goodness' under his breath, and returned his attention to [Y/N]'s story. He met her eyes and tilted his head, nodding for her to go on because of this look she had. And, when she went on, her voice was wistful, "I got the best jobs because of her. I really think she would have liked it here. You guys know what you're doing and you still have the time to do things like... well, like this."

[Y/N] seemed to drift away in her thoughts and Bugs found himself wanting to follow her into them, but he wasn't sure how. The bonfire continued to crackle in their silence and even Speedy stopped playing. Instead, Bugs said, a little more seriously, "You know, I t'ink she'd be really happy to know how far along you've gotten."

"Señor Bugs is right," Speedy commented and, across from them, Rhodes nodded his head enthusiastically. "And see how big this company is? If you wanted to, I bet you could find anybody with all the money you're going to make."

She hmm'ed under her breath and shrugged, wrapping her blanket closer to her shoulders. "I guess, but I was just some starry-eyed 'actress'," she put her fingers up in quotations for emphasis, "running around like a headless chicken looking for her big break. I never said a proper thank you and now it's been years. It's bound to be too late."

Bugs snickered his iconic little snicker and shook his head. "If I'd been the booking agent that gave you your big break, I'd be going to see every film, every show and commercial you're featured in." And maybe it was the party high that made him say it, but it was worth it to make it possible for him to hear the soft smile in her voice.

"Oh, Bugs, you're too much."

There was a clear of someone's throat, who turned out to be Rhodes, and from where Bugs sat he was sure of the blush that had dusted [Y/N]'s face. To make it worse, Daffy had an eyebrow raised but there was no denying the smug look to his face that made Bugs roll his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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