Chapter 2: The Call

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(Saturday morning @ 10:00am)

I made breakfast eggs, french toast with strawberry’s on the side, and for drink I had water. I love watching my favorite show on Saturday morning’s, Sister Sister Tamara & Tia Mowry their show will forever have me cracking up.  Living by myself sometimes gets lonely, but that’s okay one day my prince charming will come. That reminds me, I need to call Nate to see if he can hook me up with that side job. I need extra money on the side to pay these bills.  I grab my iPhone that was next to me, and I text Nate…

(Text conversation)

Me: Hey! Iz me Katie 

I waited for him to reply back to me…

Nate: Yo! Waddup ma? Wats good wit ya?

I laughed at the text he sent me, I text him back

Me: Nm I was jus wonderin if u can hook me up with that side job? I really need extra money on the side to pay bills.

I hope he says yes because I really need the side job. My heart began to pound just thinking he might say no he have someone else, or that’s okay he don’t need anyone. My phone rang and it was him calling me, I slide the green sign on my phone and answered the phone…

“Hello?” I bit my nails 

“I got your message, are you still interested in being my make-up artist?”

“Yes” I replied

“Okay, are you busy today?”

“No, I am off on Saturday’s”

“Okay, well first off let me tell you what the deal is for this.”

Deal? What deal? I said inside of my mind…

“Okay…” I said concern…

“Do you have your own make-up tools you use?”

“Yeah, I use the real stuff no fake here.”

I heard him laugh silently on the phone…

“Aight ma that’s all you need.”

“Really? Oh Okay”

“Okay, well meet me in Beverly Hills in about 2 hours is that enough time for you to get all your materials ready?”

“No way I start today?” I said covering my mouth

“Yes ma’am.”

I screamed over the phone I was too happy right now!


“No problem!”

“What part in Beverly Hills?” I asked with excitement in my voice nervously shaking.

“Rodeo Drive.” He says.

“Okay I will see you there in 2 hours!”

“Wear something comfortable.’

“Okay Nate thanks for the job!”

“Not a problem I will see you in Beverly Hills @ Rodeo Drive! Look your best baby!”

“Haha I will thanks Nate” I laughed and I hang up.

Once I got off the phone I started to scream all over my apartment. I was too happy for this side job. I surely did needed it too. I started to get my Make-Up supplies and materials together placing them in my huge suit-case bag. I then started to get ready taking a me a nice hot shower, doing my own make-up and hair. That usually takes about 1hour itself. After that I grab my stuff, and my car keys open the front door to my apartment and headed on out the door.

I hit the unlock button  I opened the backed of my car and put my suite case inside, I then closed it and headed towards the driver side and got in. I first put on my seat belt, and then put the keys in the ignition and started it up… Then before I backed out Nate text me 

(Text conversation) 

Nate: I can’t wait to see you again 

Me: and I can’t wait to see you too :)

I couldn’t really wait to see him again. I backed out the drive way and drove off heading to Beverly Hills.

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