Chapter 5: The Abusing

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(2 months later…)

My brother Anthony keeps calling me leaving text messages and voice mail messages on my phone. I am too busy that I don’t have enough time to talk with anyone. Nate keeps me busy constantly.  I have to do everything he says. If I back talk him I get the silent treatment, when I get home. If I do don’t do something right he will beat me. I fell for this guy couple months ago. He was so nice. I should have listen to Pri, but I thought she was just telling me stories. Now that I realize she is probably telling me the truth. The beatings, silent treatment started like couple weeks later when I drop my job.

"Wake up!" Nate says pouring water all on me. I woke up quickly I thought I was drowning… "Get yourself ready we going to go take pictures for the holidays. Got to send something special to the family."

I wipe the water off my face. The water was Ice cold. I literally thought I was drowning. How could Nate be so rude? Does he really know I love him? I guess he doesn’t care…

“Yes sir.”

The abusing started when I did something wrong at work. I was so embarrassed to go back inside…. I knew everyone would be starring…

(Flash back at work)


Nate voice was loud…

“Girl I know that voice when I hear it…” Pri says

“What you mean pri?”

She mumbles something low…

“You’ll see.”

Then I heard Nate bust in on us that was in the makeup/dressing room. He charge at me, looking evil and he grab me by the neck and drag me out of the room. I wonder what I did wrong that made him so mad.


He didn’t say nothing. He kept dragging me by the neck. He finally stop dragging me.

“NOW LOOK AT THIS!” He raise my head up. Slapping me across the face “YOU MESSED UP HER MAKEUP! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?”

“I didn’t mean too Nate…” I said shaking…

“You was trying to hurry I understand Katie.” Says the chick.


I couldn’t believe this was happening to me…


The chick goes with the backstage people. I went with Nate. He grab this silver duct tape and throws me in the chair.

“Hands behind your back and don’t moved or make a sound.”


He slaps me so hard across the face making my head turn to the left like a bobble head. Tears came down my face. Who was this man that I fell in love with starting to treat me like crap.

I heard the sound of the duct tape being detached.

“This will teach you a lesson.”

Nate comes closer to me, and he starts to duct tape my mouth and my hands and feet.

“Don’t you move until I come back for you!” He kisses me on the cheek.

I looked at Nate and he didn’t seem like the one I met couple weeks ago. I thought he was just playing around with me like a game. But this was the first beginning of the abusing. Nate finally came and got me. I was happy. I felt like I was being punish for something I didn’t really mean to do or it was just an accident.

“Next time do a better job. I better not see no more mistakes or you will be getting more silent treatments for me.”

After Nate let me go. I went to the bathroom, and I looked myself in the mirror. I know he loves me. He didn’t mean to. Yeah he still loves me. I fixed myself up and headed back to the makeup dressing room. I felt eyes on me and I felt ashamed, but didn’t care went back to what I was doing.

Pri comes up up me…

“Want to talk about it?” Pri says

I looked at pri and shook my head no. She walked away. I went back doing makeup.

“You okay Katie?”

“I’m fine…”

I didn’t really want to talk with nobody about what happen between me and Nate. But everything that Pri says it’s starting to add up now…

(Flash back fades out)


Nate and I took our photos at his house. He hired someone to take our Christmas photos. After that, he told me to go get dress because we’re going to be doing some holiday shopping. I did what he said so I wouldn’t get slap or hit. I walked up the stairs heading up to the room.

 I will be wearing white long sleeve shirt, black and white leggings with cute native designs, grey hat, grey scarf, black boots, silver ring, and silver heart necklace also phone case to match my set. Before I get dress, I check my phone to see if anyone left messages. I got a voice call from my brother and a text message from my sister. I went to the text message first it says…

Hey sissy just checking up on you. I haven’t heard from you in a long time. I miss you. Are you doing okay? You coming home for the holidays? I know that stuff from the past still hurts you, but sissy you need to move on… I love you.

Then I played the voice mail message…

Yo sis pick up the phone girl. This is your brother Anthony; is you coming out for Christmas? You need to come on out and enjoy spending time with us since we didn’t see you for Thanksgiving. I miss you I haven’t seen you in forever. Sis please come back home and enjoy Christmas with us.  Christmas is forgiving and it’s also giving too. I hope to see you on Christmas Day sis. Love you.

I looked at my phone and out at the window… I was thinking should I go and tell them what’s going on? Or should I just stay and leave it as it is. All these things going through my mind at once. I don’t have long to decide either. I got to come up with a plan or something to get away from Nate….

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