Chapter 1

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She was never late, she was never on time either, she was always early, her parents always told her if your on time its counted as late. She ran with her bag clutched to her chest her blonde hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail swayed from left to right her curls skimming over her shoulders. He was though. The roar of a motorbike switching off caught her attention, he hadn't even taken off his helmet and she knew who it was, she didn't know his name but she recognised the jacket, he wore it every day. He was never on time, she didn't even know why he even bothered turning up cause clearly he didn't want to be there. He removed his helmet before pulling his leg from over the bike as he stood, pocketing the keys he adjusted the bag that was on his back before running his fingers through his hair lifting his short black curls from sitting flat on his head. Stepping off the street and up onto the pathway he made his way into the school grounds.

The blonde pulled open her classrooms door quickly and quietly entering "Sorry Miss." She looked to the front of the class at her teacher who had stopped what she was writing on the large whiteboard to see who had stepped into her class room "Take your seat Miss Griffin." She nodded looking towards her students desk. The blonde bowed her head and did what she was told "Hey Raven." She smiled down at the brunette sitting at the desk connected beside hers. "Hey Clarke. Is everything alright? You're never late." She whispered concerned "Yeah everything's fine, I had to fuel my car, with gas prices down there was a long line of people, and I couldn't leave without paying so-" "Miss Griffin, Miss Reyes, no talking please." The duo looked up at their teacher "I was catching her up." Raven lied and the teacher knew it, they watched her make her way towards them before stopping in front of their desks twirling the whiteboard marker in one hand and in the other held pieces of paper that had been stapled together  "I don't believe we are discussing fuel prices today, are we class?" Clarke and Raven sat quietly in their seats as the other students around them laughed "No." They all harmonized together. Clarke and Raven stared up at their teacher and watched as she placed the stapled paper that everyone else was working on in front of Clarke, her own chuckle being heard as she looked between the two, an obvious, you're caught, smile across her lips.

He didn't seem to have any friends, he always sat alone at lunch, the bench seat always unoccupied until he filled it, no one dared to sit there as if thinking if they did it would be like poking a bear or dancing with the devil, as if it had a reserved sign chipped into it declaring it to be his table. "I've heard he's a killer, and only prays on people who he doesn't like." Clarke jumped slightly at the voice whipping her head around to see Raven plopping herself down beside her with a lunch tray. "What?" Clarke pulled herself out of her thoughts with a slight shake of her head. "He's what your thinking about right?" Clarke watched Raven lean forward as she undid the lid on her flavored milk and followed her line of sight looking over at the curly dark haired boy. "No." She lied tearing her eyes away "What are you doing later?" She changed the subject as quickly as she could. Raven shrugged licking her lips "Nothing, why? Have you got something planned for us?" Clarke opened her mouth but was quick to close it as she frowned looking over Raven's shoulder "What?" Raven turned to see what Clarke was looking at. Two men clearly older than everyone else in the school walked past them, they left everyone looking a little off guard, they dressed in baggy jeans half passed to falling down, one wore a basketball jersey while the other a long sleeved white shirt and a cap that sat back to front tilted from his head. Clarke and Raven watched as one of the men pointing made it obvious to who they were here to see. The boy with the dark curls rose to his feet as soon as he saw the two men walking his way, he outstretched his arms in front of him as if in surrender the closer the men got, "We should do something." Clarke told Raven "Are you kidding me? No we shouldn't, we're not getting involved in his problems, killer remember and they're his cleaners, do you want to be next?" The brunette took hold of Clarke's arm stopping her from rising to her feet. The voices were faint, unheard, but that didn't stop everyone from knowing that it wasn't a friendly chat, "He doesn't look like a killer." Clarke pointed out as they watched one of the men yank the boy closer to them as he shook his head vigorously. Raven leant closer to Clarke "It's always the ones you least expect." They shoved the boy back into the table before turning and exiting out the way they came in. Clarke watched the curly haired boy straighten out his leather jacket he had on as his eyes skimmed over the courtyard defeated and humiliated before picking up his lunch and headed towards the doors leading back inside.

Looking forward to reading the comments. Thank you to the people who do comment its very much appreciated. :-D xo

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