Chapter 4: Part 1

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School was school. The teachers were either fun or like a time bomb ready to explode at a student who didn't realize or didn't care he or she was pushing his or her buttons until the wooden handle of the chalkboard duster was being violently hammered down on the closest flat surface it could reach. The students on the other hand were very multi colored in the sense of personalities and or appearances. Not that the social ladder bothered me or that I cared where I was on it, walking through the main entrance you could identify who went to what class and what some dreamed to be all by what they wore, the "jocks" wore their football jackets, the "cheerleaders" wore their school color cheer uniforms most of the girls seen standing not far from the footballers, the musical students were usually heard grouped together in the courtyard having a riff-off before school, after school and during lunch heard harmonizing blending melodies in a empty classroom before the bell would ring. Me I wasn't any of those, I branded myself to an entirely different group of people who would appear to look similar to me by the end of the school day, the "excelling art student with a bright future" my art teacher named me in front of my parents at a parent teacher meeting back in the tenth grade. Even though art was a required class, I and other growing artists like me seemed to be covered in more paint than the other already categorized students, new fresh layers being added to our skin throughout the day. "Clarke!" My thoughts were shut down by my name being called, I turned looking from my open locker down the hall the way I had come seeing Raven getting piggybacked by Finn "Hey." I greeted them with a smile once they stopped in front of me and Raven slid off Finn's back before wrapping me up in a hug. "Before you two get to girly on me I better go." Finn wrapped an arm around Raven's shoulders "Where are you going?" I asked him shutting my locker door "Detention." He sighed moving his hair from his face "You're actually going to go this time?" I was surprised, he was known for ditching classes and the detentions that were put in place because of the classes he skipped. Finn shrugged kissing Raven on the cheek as he began his walk down the hall "My grades are really bad, i have to or else I don't graduate at the end of the year Jaha says." He called throwing up a hand waving "I'll see you all for lunch though, save me a seat." He smiled over his shoulder rounding the corner. "Do you think he'll stick to going?" Raven pursed her lips showing me her crossed fingers "I hope so, year twelve just started a few weeks ago so i'd like to think he has plenty of time to catch up on everything he's missed out on from skipping, he hasn't turned around and come running back making some remark that it's a waste of time so i'd like to think so far so good." She responded. "So, where too? Wait! Don't tell me." I can't help but smile, she knows where too, she knows I know she knows, "The art room?" Does she really have to ask? I smile and nod "We have an hour and a half before the first bell rings." She slips an arm around mine and pulls me along "We better hurry then." She knows how important getting to use the art room before school is to me, if my parents were normal just like everyone elses and let me decide what I wanted to do instead of them picking and choosing what they think is best for me, I wouldn't have to sneak around behind their back as if what i'm doing is a sin and god wouldn't approve, he would approve. Art was made by god for god.

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