Chapter 3

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"We're ba-" Raven's voice was cut off by two boys rushing towards them stripping them of the groceries "We'll take those." They smiled heading towards the kitchen, "Jasper, Monty, when did you arrive?" Clarke smiled happy to see them as she and Raven walked further into the open plan house. "Not long after you left." The voice from the lounge sitting in the recliner answered for the boys, Clarke smiled over at Finn but rolled her eyes as she watched Raven skip towards him and threw herself at him landing in his lap her lips gluing to his seconds after "It's like you haven't seen each other in years." Clarke chuckled "I'll be in the kitchen with Monty and Jasper, holler once you two are done." earning herself a silent wave from Raven. Clarke shook her head humorously stepping around the island in the kitchen "Hey." The blonde smiled stepping between the two wrapping her arms around their shoulders, "Hey." The duo mimicked her with smiles "Raven chose some good ones." Jasper commented. They were looking at the movies that had been hired out, "What makes you think Raven chose them and not me?" Clarke looked back and forth between the two boys "Isn't it obvious?" Monty smirked pointing at the movies on the bench "No The Notebook." They both said at the same time, Clarke frowned at them as they slapped hands laughing, Clarke shouldered Monty and playfully punched Jasper in the arm "Very funny." She sarcastically smiled getting sour looks from both of them as she began unpacking the grocery bags that were yet to be touched.

"You have it."
"It's ok, you can."
"Raven its fine, you eat it."
"No. I want you to have it."
"Hey!" The couple dropped their jaws at the now empty platter flicking their eyes across at Clarke who sat chewing down the mini meat pie "Now you don't have to bicker about who gets the last one, as cute as it was I couldn't take it any longer. Sorry not sorry." Clarke shrugged her shoulders with a smile, turning back to the movie she hadn't been taking much interest in since it first started over an hour ago, instead her mind had been wondering half the night only snapping back to reality when voices were heard signaling she wasn't alone. "You could have just broken it in half and had half each." Monty chuckled seeing the solution to the banter that had just taken place, "You didn't think of that did you?" Monty asked, although he already knew the answer he figured he'd ask anyways for the humor and also cashing in the chance of being able to make fun of his friends. Jasper looked back from where he sat, the trio watched Finn and Raven shake their heads "Shut up." Raven scolded Jasper's quiet scoff by softly kicking him with her foot as she sunk further into Finn's side as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders comforting her embarrassment, satisfied Clarke, Monty and Jasper turned back to the movie that was still playing. Finn leant in closer to his girlfriend towards her ear dropping his voice "It's alright babe, we'll know to bring more next time." "Refills anyone?" Jasper called standing from the beanbag he was curled up in with a cunning smirk curved onto his lips "We have everything here already." Finn looked over the coffee table to see what was missing, "Party Pies." Jasper answered him as his eyes wondered over to Raven just in time to see her jaw drop "Gotcha." He smiled smugly proud of his silent prank he was playing on Finn and Raven before backing up and walking towards the kitchen. Clarke rose to her feet pointing and laughing at Raven, "You laugh Griffin, you laugh." The brunette scolded throwing the cushion she was clutching at Clarke who side stepped and watched the plump fabric fly pass her "Don't worry Reyes I am, I am." She poked her tongue out at the pair spinning on her heel crossing to the other side of the long open space to join Jasper in the kitchen.

"I hope you found that just as amusing as I did hearing them fight over the supposedly last pie knowing there was more in the oven." Jasper grinned chuckling "You have no idea." Pulling the tray out of the oven. "Hey Jasper?" Clarke called for his attention as she sat up on the bench "Hey Clarke." He humorously smiled over his shoulder as he transfered the food to the platter Clarke had brought in with her earning himself an eye roll from the blonde. "What's the matter?" He frowned concerned, he noticed her smile drop and a serious expression present on her face "Don't be worried, everything is alright, i'm ok, its just, there is this guy at school," she began before stopping and swallowing, Jasper raised his eyebrows stepping closer to Clarke jumping in before she could continue "Do I have to hurt someone? Has he hurt you? Who is he?" Clarke put her hands on his shoulders stopping him from jumping to conclusions "No, it's not like that, I've never even formed a sentence and spoken to him exactly." Jasper sighed his shoulders relaxing "Because I would, if anyone hurt you Clarke, I..." The expression said it all, Clarke softly smiled at her friend "and i'm sure everyone in there would join you." Jasper gave a curt nod up at the blonde agreeing that he would be the least of this guys worries "Anyways, continue, there's this guy at school..." "You know the motorbike that sits out the front of school; Do you know who owns it?" Jasper thought for a moment leaning against the counter, "I do, well I don't, I have heard things." his eyes widdened at Clarke as he stood up straighter "You're not getting involved with him are you? I heard that he killed his parents." That was different to what Raven had told her. Clarke was now contemplating whether or not she should continue with this topic of convocation; she wanted to know more, but was this the right way to find out? Tippy toes Clarke, tippy toes. "Who did you hear that from?" "Monty, Monty heard it from someone else before he told me." Clarke nodded, maybe Monty might be a better person to- no Clarke, the less people who know you're fishing for answers to your own questions about this boy the better "Do you know his name?" One final question. Jasper shrugged his shoulders shaking his head "Promise me this convocation won't leave this kitchen." The drilling of her eyes into Jasper's he got the hint; no one was to know not even their friends. "Promise." Jasper raised his open hand for her to fist bump before she did the same for him. As they made their way back to the lounge Clarke had questions running through her head more now than before, questions she wanted the answers to. Who told Monty he killed his parents? Is there a long trail of people i'd have to ask before I got to the original person who first started telling people he killed his parents? Is it true? Did he really kill his parents? If he did why isnt he in jail? Do we have a murderer at school? Are we all safe? How do the older guys Raven and I saw the other day fit into the picture? Did they help him kill his parents? "Clarke? Yo Clarke?" Finn's voice broke the influx of questions bombarding her brain, shaking her head she was brought back to earth "Are you ok? You kind of zoned out." Raven frowned at her worried, perking herself up Clarke smiled and waved it off "Yeah i'm fine." Taking her seat back in the recliner she felt herself getting knowing looks from Jasper.
Thank you to everyone who is reading and voting for my story :-D it means a lot.

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