Thomas's Interviewing

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Thomas: Hello, this is Thomas reporting live on the TMR channel. And today, we shall be interviewing a very special person. He is known to have run away from the most dangerous gang in Gangsville, the Sheep Gang. We have him here to be interviewed. So, how did you escape?

???: Shh! If they know I escaped they'd-

Thomas: So what is your name?

???: I can't say, they'll find me-

Thomas: So. . . where are you living these days?

???: SHH! They'll find me and hunt me down!

Thomas: Can someone turn on the lights? I can't see his face.

???: Wait, WAIT- oh god.

Thomas: And come someone do something to the audio its coming out all weird and distorted-

???: NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo *runs off*

Thomas: All the best for you Albert Robinson at &21 Fifth Avenue The Glade.

*information report shows up on screen*

Alby's Personal Information Report
Born: 1967
Death: Sometime soon
House: 721 Fifth Avenue #7, The Glade
Phone: +61 491 570 159
Workplace: Homestead

Fears: Elmo, Spiders, the Sheep Gang

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