Entry #1

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Should pain happen to all people?

Pain and suffering allow people to feel. It lets people express emotion, and lets them know they're real. Whether someone is good or bad, pain is a way to express. It can be inflicted on others or on yourself. You don't really think about pain when it happens to someone else because you don't care. People never really care about anyone else's pain because they are too caught up in themselves. Sometimes it's not that you don't care, it's just that you're at a loss for words. Because sometimes words cannot make up for what the person is feeling.

Unlike others, I enjoy the pain. As I said earlier, it lets me know I can feel. It helps me know I'm real. I love it because when I inflict it on myself, I feel like no one can hurt me but me. This pain is my bad and my good. You're probably thinking, why would you do that to yourself? The answer is simple. Some people inflict their pain on others when they're upset. I don't want to do that. Instead, I direct the pain onto myself. This way no one else has to endure what I'm experiencing myself.

Now to answer the initial question—yes. Whether someone has done something terrible wrong, or someone is as good as a saint, pain should still be felt. Regardless if it is because of your actions towards others or directed toward yourself, there would be no good without the bad. For example, in the Brave New World people did not know genuine happiness because there wasn't any good to compensate for the bad. Much because there wasn't any bad. It was stripped away from their society.

Here in ours, maybe pain is a gift. I say that in the most logical sense and focusing on emotion. Pain is the bad such as war and heartbreak, but the thing is, happiness is nothing without the pain. How would good be known if there wasn't anything to compare it to? This is why pain demands to be felt. So, in the most peculiar sense, pain may be a gift.

However, pain can also be a burden. Sometimes it's just carried around with you. You can't really do anything about it because you don't know how to rid yourself of this ever-present shadow. I guess that's sometimes why people commit—because they can't find their happiness. I mean you can smile with this burden, but just because you smile doesn't mean you're genuinely happy.

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