Minimani Moo

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Today was a new day! I could tell it was going to be a refreshing day as I watched the breezy wind hit those lovely trees from
outside my window. I could also tell it was going to  be an even more awesome day as I saw those two little cute kids throwing sharp rocks at each other. Oh how wonderful these neighbour's kids can be sometimes, I sighed and turned my attention to the less important thing that was happening in my house. My husband was putting my kid's finger in the plug. How silly are they! Hahaha. I looked at the clock and saw that I had only 15 minutes to get ready for my tenis lessons. What a shame!


I made my way to the parking lot for the tennis court. I took my rackets and tried to fit all the tennis balls in my mouth since I had no free hand to hold them. I got some curious glares as I walked to the court and decided that I didn't want my day to be ruined so I just ignored them. As they philosopher say, or whatever them shitty quoters say; dicks and sticks may brake your throat but it wont kill you, something like that
I had just finished my tennis session. I walked to my car and saw 5 police cars and one black car with the phrase "Menthal Instution for psychophats and poor minds of the society" written on it. I was scared. I knew they'd come back for me those bastardos!
I decided to do the smartest thing that could come to my mind and hid my face with my tennis racket. When I did that I realized that it my racket had holes so they could still see my face. Ugh what a dumbass I can be sometimes. I decided to act innocent and walk away slowly as if I wasn't aware of anything. I lowered my head and began to walk. Suddendly, my head banged against something so hard I almost thought it was my head touching my grand-father's boner when he watches  Cow Porn. I looked up to see what I banged my head against and suddendly met those two pairs of blue shiny eyes it was so shiny even more shiny than the hot melted aluminium I use to punish my husband. I gave a once over at the hot man who was standing before me and started to hyperventilate because he was so attractive.

"Watch where you're going you bitch!" He said, giving me that -i aint got no time for you look.

"Oh sorry it's just that I tend to hit on huge morons like you" I said, giving him that -I totally just roasted you i might as well roast you for thanksgiving look.

"Oh yeah well see about me being a moron" He says before pulling out the thing you use to drug people with. He stabbed the thing in my left boob and I instantly felt the darkness take over me.

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