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So Im sorry guys but this story has taken an unexpected turn. Everyone in this book from the beggining is dead. Now, let's start the story of how everyone goes to another planet: Utopiok. On this planet, everyone is fair. Just kidding, the white people of the society are the slaves while the other ones with black skin are the kings and they are the best. White people work for them and even clean their shit with their tongues. Yes you read that right! The wiggas (it's nigga with "w" to represent the white people")
Hey it's me again i just came back from death. God this was fcking horrible. I had to eat little kids's tampons to survive in there. I wish i could've went to paradise but the stupid guy who organizes death told me that i was too much of a shitty mom. He clearly doesn't understand the value of being a mom. And now you may ask yourself how did i get to Utopiok if im already dead. Well see it's really simple. I started a stripping carreer in hell and a lot of people went to see me and they clearly all loved  me so they decided to make a human ladder for me to jump out of hell. When i arrived to my destination I was overwhelmed by the view. There was about 793 cows that were doing hiphop choreography. The music in the background was "my millshake brings all the boys to the yard". All of a sudden, all the cows started a cow pyramid. On the top of the pyramid there was.... OMG. Mirkouli and Penis where on the top of the pyramid. FUCK. I DON'T WANT THEM TO SEE ME. I decided to take a knife from the ground and drove it trough a random cow's ass. Then i decided to go inside it. It was disgusting. The horrible smell of shit was filling my nose with fucking diarrhea. Then i felt the cow's balls on my face. EWW. It was bigger than all the dicks ive ever tried during my 63 years of life. I started swallowing a lot of blood so i decided to close my mouth. Then randomly i felt myself rolling down a mountain. I tried to get a sneak peek from the cow's asshole. It was too big so when i did that i fell out and landed on a terrorist plane. The first thing i heard was ALLLAAHUUU AKBAR and then the whole plane to ''p exploded. I fell from the plane and landed back on some weird house in the planet of utopiok. I fell trough the roof and landed in a room. There was 3 black guys having a conversation. When they saw me they said " WHAT THE HOLY SHMOOLY IS A WHITE GUY DOING IN OUR HOUSE" then the other guy on his left with the big ass forehead said " GET THAT DIRTY WIGGA OUT OF MY HOUSE HE GON DAMAGE THE FUCKING FURNITURE THAT I JUST BOUGHT" I thought to myself why in the world would they name a wigga? What the heck is that? God this planet is so fucked up.
I was tired of those 3 people insulting me so i decided to go to their kitchen and get some lucky charms. What the fuck. They didn't even have some. There was this red box and it was like an imitation of lucky charms. The name was unlucky hams. I was pissed so i decided to leave. I went to the church because i heard a lot of noise. In the middle of the church there was a big hole and in it there was a sea  with girrafes and cows. When i opened the door everything went silent. Even the moo's and the woof's that the animals made. The priest screamed at me for interrupting the baptism. I looked at my left and saw that the person that was getting baptized was my FREAKING GRANDPA JINOUXI. WHAT THE HELL WAS JINOUXI DOING HERE. Wasnt he dead when I drove a big ass cactus into his dick? Ahhh yes  as you can remember my grandpa Jinouxi is the one who watches cow porn. I walked all the way to him. "Jinouxi? What the fucking ravioli are you doing here? If you're dead how did you get here?"I said.

Jinouxi looks over at me and says : " Why hello my granddaughter. It's been years i haven't seen you. And to answer your question   I did the same thing as you did to get out of hell." Says my grandfather


Jinouxi winks at me and jumps in the sea with all the animals. Then the little old faggot remembers that he can't swim. So he does the smartest thing his little brain can do and yells for helps.Since i am a very nice granddaughter i decide to be nice enough to watch my grandfather die with all the cows and the giraffes. I went to the store to get some popcorn. Then i went back to the church and continued watching my grandfather die . All of a sudden a big cow dived in the water and saved my grandfather from drowning. Then myriam ate a pie. It was so good she stared having a heart attack. Then she decided to jump from a train station. She landed on a hairy dick. It was the giants dick. Then myriam was scared so she jumped from a random trmampoline and landed on
Kylie Jenner's head. She was so sassy she started hurting myriam a lot. She shoved
a metal bar so far up her ass myriam started crying out metal juice from her mouth. Now let's get back to the story at the church.
Jinouxi had just came out of the water with the cow who saved him. I looked at him and saw a big bulge on his pants. EWWW. JINOUXI HAD A BONER. "Jinouxi why do you have a boner?" I say. He replies and says" IM SORRY OKAY. I COULDNT  HELP IT. I GOT TURNED ON BY THE COW'S BALLS" "What the holy moly, I never thought you could be that gross grandpa!"
A week passed and the atmosphere in Utopiok never changed. It was always the same. Walking on the streets it would be very possible to step on a baby cow or get called names like ,stupid wigga, big ass forehead wigga, dirty wigga. To get my food I was forced to go to Whalemart. It's like walmart except the store is filled with whales  and you have to be very careful or else you could end up in a whale's stomach. Yes numerous people are stucked in there because they weren't careful enougu to look where they're going. Enough said, today, is a completely new day. I think im going to go the beach. It's really hot today and i feel like getting some fresh air. I went outside from the house i was living in. It was a small strawberry shaped house. Inside there was a fraisinette themed inventory of furniture. Even though It was really childish Mirkouli and Penis  fell in love with it. They use to only watch Fraisinette when they were small. Probably because it was the only show i put there. As I walked along my house i hit something hard again. It was him again. Guess who it was...

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