Chapter Two-In the firing line of the Queen's heart

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Queen Beatrice gazed at Lord Charles.

The page moved towards her.

He bowed in front of the King and Queen.

"M'Lord 's 'ere M'Queen, M'King". The page smiled. Then he left, and let his Lord glide to the Court...and watched the Royal couple...and knew that their power was stunning. He walked graciously...then eyed them with an honorable duty that was for a stately event...and begun to speak.

"M'Queen, M'King...Let me honor you by stating that neither 'ave I dreamt...or did dream...o' this day. I am not Royal; I am a Lord. An Irish Lord".

"Lord Charles...we need your advice on matters of State". He watched the Queen speak. He blinked; he was stunned; he was silent.

"Advice M'Queen".

"That's what she told you", King Harry X shouted.

Lord Charles was taken aback.

"M'King, what's your interest in this matter?".

"My heart is broken. Such matters are not to be taken lightly. As such, as my wife knows, I have 2 days' left on Earth. You'll succeed me...because I am 84".

"M'King, I am...shocked".

"That is my decree".

"I am no King".

"Alas, that is why we need someone of your grace to know that you're worthy of this duty". Lord Charles bowed, "...I am no Royal".

"No one wants the job".

"Neither Prince Eldred and Ella?".

"They're in London, England; they're patriotic to the English Monarchy; they're not patriotic to the Irish Monarchy".

"I see".

"Will you do this?".

"I'll accept on one condition M'King".

"And what's that?".

"I marry your wife two months after your passing".

"Deal!", King Harry X ordered.

And smiled.

Page 3.

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