Sour breaths

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Sebastian's POV

I heard strange noises coming from Ciels room earlier, I did get a bit worried then I remembered lady Elizabeth was round and that other from the noises it was quiet so I left them alone. I passed Bardroy in the hallway and he was carrying a snivelling May-rin.

"What ever is the matter May-rin?" She shook her head at me and I realised she didn't have any glasses on. "Oh my. What happened to your glasses?" She began to cry full on tears. Ciel and Lady Elizabeth ran down the hall, ciels hair tousled and his clothes out of place and tattered, Lady Elizabeth's hair scuwif and her dress arms in a strange position.
"W-what's going on?" Ciel stuttered out, his breathing shortened.

"My lord! What ever is the matter?!" I almost shouted. I was worried the poor child was almost dying, he fell to the floor and began wailing about, unable to say anything. 
"ITS HIS ASTHMA!!!! SEBASTIAN WHAT DO WE DO?!?!?!?" Elizabeth shouted at me. I was unaware the lord had asthma, but I knew what to do. I picked Ciel up and ran to his room, everything was a mess though. "What the hell were they doing in here?!?!" I thought to myself. I straightened up the cuilt covers and lay him down on the bed. I ran to get some cloths and hot and cold water and sprinted back demon speed to help him. Elisabeth had already taken his side, her lips were touching his his eyes closed. I knew he was awake though. I knocked on the door so I didn't get a slap across the face from both lady elisabeth and Ciel. I hear them both jump and sheets rustling before Ciel manages a "c-co-come I-in." I rush to his side and put the warm cloth on his chest and the cold one on his head.

"Keep these in place. I will be back in a bit. Lady Elisabeth, please call me if you would need me. Oh and one more thing!" I smirked "no kissing. It will cause him to choke." Elisabeth's face went a bright red and Ciel kept his eyes closed. I winked at lady Elisabeth before leaving the room, and shutting the door.

Lizzie's POV

I can't believe Sebastian! Rude bastard. I looked down at Ciel, his cheeks a tinted red, and still had his eyes closed. I stroked his cheeks before pecking him on the cheek and going over to the Doors with windows on them. I opened the curtains and slid out the doors, quietly closing them behind me. "What do I do?!?!?!" I thought to myself. "Ciel loves me and I don't love him...i-i...what do I do...? I'm always with my other partner. But I'm engaged with Ciel. What am I to do? I'll get a mouth full from everyone..." I turned around to see a wide eyed Ciel.
"Y-you... your with another man..." His eyes filled with tears as he backed away from me. I said it out loud?! Oh no!!! I ran into his room again to find Sebastian on Ciel's bed, cradling him in his lap.
"Aha lady Elisabeth! There you are. I was wondering if you could enlighten the situation as to why my lord ran into the room crying his eye out?" I stood there for a moment before running out the room, down the hallways and bumping into my maid.
"M- my lady! Are you ok?" I didn't say anything. I got up and ran out to the carriage outside got in and waited for my maid. She clambered in and it set off.

Ciel's POV

It wouldn't stop. The pain. The tourture. The never ending fear that I will be left behind. No one will be there for me. Everyone I have ever loved, GONE, in an instance. I realised that pain was because I wasn't breathing. I gasped for air and my vision came back. I was in Sebastian's arms sat on my bed... I looked up toward him and he looked almost upset. He looked at me with his amber eyes, they looked watery. He shook his head and stood up, set me on the bed and went to get the cloths off the floor that I dropped when I went over to li- My eyes began to water up again. I threw my eye patch off and stared at the floor, droplets of my tears pattering on the floor.

I hear loud footsteps getting closer. I look over for my eye patch to see it fly out the window. I lay down and cover my eye quickly. The door bursts open to see May-rin. But without her glasses.
"M-may-rin? What are you doing. Where are your g-glasses?" She bowed her head, almost in shame.
"I'm sorry master. My glasses broke and the lenses had smashed..." To be honest I wasn't that bothered. Since I gave her those glasses she's messed up every order anyone has given her. It's slightly annoying.
"It's fine. But they were one in a kind so I can't get you any new ones. But, I think that if you don't wear them then you could get used to not having them." She looked at me wide eyed. She opened her mouth to speak, but decided against the words and walked out.
"My lord, what should we do about the visitors?" I forgot about them...
"Could we not call it off?I feel like trash." He nodded and made his way over to the exit of my room.
"If you ever need me, you know how to call ok?" He looked at me with red eyes.
"*cough* yes Sebastian*cough*". He put his hand up to his chest, bowed and left the room. " could you. We were engaged for many years. Why now."

HAHA!!! Told you I would do something about them. In the next chapter Ciel will be meeting Alois. But a surprise awaits both him and Sebastian. Haahaa cliffhangers biyatch!!! 😂 jk thx for reading!!!

Love rituals (Ciel X Alois) ~BLACK BUTLER~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें