Dreams are real

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Sebastian's POV
I looked over at one of the new servants. She had scarlet hair in ponytails and a phantom mask over her right eye. She was wearing the maids outfit I gave to her. Her age was 17 and her name was Elsy. I looked over to another, Her name was Aanya. She had dirty blonde hair down to about just past her shoulder. She was 13. Then there was Lara. She was best friends with Aanya. She had side cut razor style hair, it was blonde. She was the same age as Aanya. Finally, there was Cameron. He was wearing tinted wide rimmed glasses, and had dirty blondish hair swooping into a fringe over the one side of his glasses, his age was unknown to me. A cape surrounded his body.

I looked over to Ciel in his bed. He looked quite peacefull when he was asleep. I walked over to the new comers and showed them around. I finally got to the kitchen and gave them their positions. Elsy was to be the new house maid, Aanya and Lara to be the cooks together and Cameron to be the gardener. I went back up to Ciel's room and saw he was a very pale colour. He rubbed his eyes and turned to me.
"Sebastian? When are we going out?"
"In a few hours, my lord." He nodded and spaced out again. Ciel continued to look outside the window. He rested his head on his pillow and slowly his eyes closed.

Ciel's POV

I sat up. It's so dark. I looked over to the right to see a strange panel. It has a strange blue light illuminating from it. I stood up and went over to it, my cold feet tapping the floor lightly. The panel started to bleep. I looked to the left to see someone, they had blonde hair, dirty blue eyes and they were wearing a black leotard with an intricate design. It looked the same as the illuminated panel, but purple. They looked up at me.
"Who are you...?" I asked.
"Hah the better question is, where are you..?" I walked back a step. His voice was gruff.
I began to shake violently.
"Not much without your Sebastian are you, Ciel." How did he know my name?! My knees gave way and I fell to the hard floor.
"H-how do you know who I am?! What are we doing here?!" I whispered, my voice wouldn't allow any louder.
"You, my friend, are Ciel phantomhive, Earl of the phantomhive estate. I am here because I was sent here to wreak havoc on everything you know and love. So, you will be stuck here a while!" He chirped. What is even going on... my arms began to burn. The pain was unbearable. I screamed, louder than any banshee could ever manage. His laugh is all I can hear, I can't bear it. I subconsciously grabbed my neck and began to strangle my self. He grabbed both my arms away from my throat. They sat next to me and stroked the lobe of my ear softly.
"It's all ok. I won't go. We can be together forever. When ever you beging to feel dizzy, I am coming. You will pass out and come here again. Do you understand?" He asked. I looked in disbelief. I nodded and he looked me straight in the eye.
"I am Alois, Alois Trancy. You will meet me soon. I look forward to seeing you." He listed in my ear. He brought himself to my lips, I didn't move. I couldn't move, even if I could I wouldn't. He parted and stood up. He waved and everything went black.

~dream, end~
I sat up quickly. The light outside was dim and there were no other living creatures in my view. I looked around and saw there was a small note on the bedside table. I picked it up and read it;

Dearest Ciel,
I am sorry for my actions. I still love you. I understand that you may not accept my apology but I do wish to speak to you soon. I shall not bring my other courtier with me, the name of him shall stay with me.

Yours sincerely,

I sighed and thought about my dream. Alois Trancy, he was the one I was supposed to tour around the area. How am I supposed to do that while not thinking of the kiss. Did it mean anything? What if I liked it? What do I do if I do?! All these thoughts ran through my mind as I look over my shoulder to see Sebastian, a confused look spread across his face.
"My lord, sorry for seeming rude but may I ask why you were talking to yourself?" Oh god I was talking to myself?
"It's nothing. I was thinking out loud." (NAME DAT SONG) he nodded and excused himself.
I lie down, staring at the white ceiling. I craved something sweet again. I wasn't sure if what I wanted, but I was hungry.

I stood up and made my way to the door...

:) *shrugs* idk where I was going with this I just came up with it XD

Love rituals (Ciel X Alois) ~BLACK BUTLER~Where stories live. Discover now