Angel [ Mark ( Got7 ) ]

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Chorong woke up with a start, her alarm was blaring rather loudly, successfully waking her from her slumber.

She groaned and turned it off without even looking at it. Lazily she stared at the ceiling and then rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"Time to start another day" She mumbled to herself, before dragging herself out of her bed, she took her time walking around her apartment that she rented, she poured herself some cereal, using a generous amount of honey on top of it to help her fully wake up.

After breakfast she got straight into her school clothes, not bothering to shower as she had already done so the night before.

It took her a maximum of ten minutes to get ready, as she didn't see a point in putting on makeup and trying to make herself look pretty, no one would care anyway.

Chorong grabbed her bag and sighed before walking out the front door, locking all three locks that were on it.

And so her journey to hell began.

Walking through the halls on the way to homeroom, she received many glares, all of them from the female population of the school, the guys just ignored her presence, as per usual.

Chorong had learned to ignore the hateful stares and comments she recieved every day, it was daily routine for her now, she didn't know why people hated her, she just assumed it was because she was ugly -though in reality she was far from it- that was the only rational explanation she could come up with as to why they would all hate her.

Even though this was how she felt, the reality was far from what she thought, the real reason as to why they hated her is because she acted different, she wasn't like what they were, she was a defenseless dove in a room full of ravenous beasts.

A kind-hearted angel in a room full of satan spawn.

Not an appealing comparison, but it was far from a lie.

That was just the way things were, there was no room for a kind hearted girl in the harsh jungle where it is dog eat dog.

Everyone seemed to think that way, and because of that the entirety of the females at Chorongs school made her their victim for their own amusement.

And though she didn't like it, she really had no other choice than to be just that, a victim.

There wasn't much she could do as an orphan, she had no family or friends to protect her, so she had to deal with it silently.

Chorong gazed to her right and saw a junior had dropped all of his text books on the ground, and as a kind hearted girl, she rushed to help him, she picked up all his books and handed them to him.

"Tha-" He stopped speaking when he moved his gaze to see the queenka Hana glaring at him, as if to tell him he would be killed if he even tried to thank her.

Without another word he turned from Chorong and walked away without saying thank you.

If it were a few years ago, she would have cried at his cold attitude and lack there of, of basic gratitude, but even so, she was used to it, so she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey nerd" upon hearing Hana's voice she froze, she found in these situations it was best to not speak at all and only nod along in agreeance to whatever Hana said.

She turned to meet the hatred filled gaze of Cho Hana, the queenka of their school, who was just as rude and stuck up as she was beautiful.

When others looked at Hana, they saw a perfect, beautiful, queenka.

But when Chorong looked at her, all she could see was a snarky girl with an ugly personality that made her look extremely unappealing.

Chorong often wondered why people liked Hana, if only they could see how ugly she really was, not necessarily looks wise, but personality wise, she was just a plain human with no concience and an ugly personality.

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