Accepted Pt 2 [ Jin ( BTS ) ]

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Chorong and Seokjin had been going out a lot. It was totally normal now that everyone was used to seeing them being all lovey dovey with each other, walking to school or eating together in the cafeteria, Taeyeon being forced to seat with the Kingkas and accidentally started developing feelings for the second top troublemaker in school, Byun Baekhyun.

Well, these two were literally couple goals. Which is the only sole reason why Chorong gets more attention than she should, and by attention I mean bad attention. The bullies had enough of the overflowing sweetness these two gives whenever placed next to each other. Sure, they're just jealous and they are going to do something to overcome that because heck their blood is boiling way too much to be normal. They continued thier bad habits, placing nasty ass stuffs in Chorong's locker. The bullies now took it up to a whole new level. It started out normal, ketchup smeared all over books or some nasty ass sauce that smells like barf. Then it became worse. The girls started thrashing Chorong's books, much worse than before. Not only a few pages were torn, the whole book would be wrecked. Chorong took it as something she deserved for dating the top Kingka of the school. But Taeyeon thinks the girls were just plain stupid. Chorong didn't tell Seokjin about it. She just dismisses the bullies' doings and continued on with her life like she always had. Taeyeon insisted on telling Seokjin but she couldn't if her bestfriend doesn't want to, so she went with telling only Baekhyun. All they could do was sigh together. Taeyeon tried fighting back but Chorong being Chorong, she wouldn't allow Taeyeon to be involved.

Chorong's smile covered every of her misery. It can be fake but there is still some genuine evident in the smile she shows. Seokjin gets blinded by it. He wouldn't know whether she's doing fine in school or not. He always thought she's doing good in school. Not until he saw the girls, who he thought were the nicest to Chorong, place a dead rat in Chorong's locker. The front of Chorong's locker had a label that says, 'Chorongie's Locker'. It took quite a while for the girls to think what they should do with it. Because every time they do something to the label, the next day there was a new one, like the label was never touched at all. So, today they decided to smear the dead rat's blood over it. It'll take a lot of hardwork to remove that. The girls giggled in victory and walked off.

Seokjin was more than shocked to see what he just saw. Usually he just unsee things but this was way different. It can't be ignored. Seokjin messaged Baekhyun's brother, Taehyung to distract Chorong for some time and never allow her to go to her locker. He emphasized 'never' so Taehyung gets it. And Taehyung does, he doesn't ask any more question and agreed. Seokjin started cleaning the locker label first after finding a rag in the janitor's closet and damping it with water. It took much power to overcome his disgust and finally getting rid of the dead rat and disposing it somewhere far enough. He even sprayed some nice smelling fragance at Chorong's locker for the time being. Days after that, it's always Seokjin bringing books and taking books from Chorong's locker, not letting Chorong step anywhere near her locker. Everyday, Seokjin always made a letter and place it in her locker. He renewed the label, he renewed her books, he placed photos of them all over inside the locker and kept spraying the same fragance. Seokjin then dragged Chorong one day to her locker and showed her what he have done for the past week or so. Chorong was touched.

The girls? Defintely felt like killing somebody. It was unfair, really. But who was the stupid one? Seokjin threatened the girls that if they ever touch his girl, something would happen to them, maybe the same thing they have done to Chorong but twice or thrice the pain. Despite the pretty face and kind heart, there was bound to be manliness and overprotectiveness in Kim Seokjin because Kim Seokjin wanted to protect Chorong, the one he loves the most.

Up Next: Idol & Me?

Guess who's next.

HAHAHAHAHA. I decided to make both Vrong and Jungrong HAHAHAHAHA.

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