Accepted Pt 1 [ Jin ( BTS ) ]

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Chorong was ordinary. She wasn't the top 5% nor was she the bottom scorers of the school. She was average, probably one of the prettiest girls in school and probably the nicest kid on earth. But being too nice made her the number one victim for the Big Bullies. Everyday, without fail, there would be threatening notes, nasty stuffs or torn pages in her locker. Either that or she'll be spit on, abused verbally or get book-slapped. She lived with it anyway. She's still one of the nicest kid in school. Chorong never took her position as a victim be something someone can sympathize her for. She doesn't have much friends, except for the top troublemaker in school, Taeyeon. They were basically inseperable. All the times Taeyeon wanted to get revenge because Chorong keeps getting bullied, Chorong would just say don't. Truth is, she doesn't like being known to everyone, she doesn't like big crowds, fame, she hates it. She liked being small, unknown but being the number one victim of the bullies, and liking one of the kingkas, Chorong thinks she can't stay small anymore.

Seokjin was extraordinary. He wasn't one of the top students, yet he stays above average. He's smart, ridiculously good-looking and even caring. No one thought one of the Kingkas could actually have a nice heart. He was truly an angel, like none of the members would deny. There was 7 of them. Seokjin was the oldest among them. He has a decent family background, well, kinda rich rich. But he isn't boastful nor selfish. He was nice, kind-hearted, he cares for those who gets hurt or those he loves. No one actually knows, he has a heart for an ordinary girl in school. After nasty stuffs was placed in that girl's locker, Seokjin would always place cheesy post-its to cheer the girl up. He would kill to see her smile veryday after school reading his post-its. His heart melts everytime.

It was actually why Chorong likes Seokjin. He was an angel, no one could believe he is an actual human. Taeyeon had seen the glances Chorong takes towards Seokjin. Taeyeon felt like strangling the kid everytime. She gets agitated more and more. Why? Because poor Chorong can't be more obvious. Like literally everytime she looks at Seokjin, someone would notice. There will be one day that she will get bullied due to glancing at the to KINGKAS. And Taeyeon is prepared to put up a fight. But Taeyeon thinks it wouldn't be a problem actually, because from her point of view, Chorong looks like she's gonna do something very very soon. While Taeyeon had an internal conflict about what Chorong would do, Chorong left her seat and went somewhere, probably the toilet or something.

After a few minutes of waiting, "Excuse me, may I have your attention please?" Taeyeon looked dumbfounded.

That voice, is very familiar. Don't tell me..., "My name is Chorong. Yes the one who has a nasty locker and the ones who people think acts to be nice. I'm that Chorong. It's finally time you all know my name rather than calling me 'ugly kid' or 'shit' because Damn, I have a name. Today, as a new Chorong, I have something to confess." Taeyeon bites on her fingernails as she watches her bestfriend on the cafeteria table with a fucking mic, where the hell she find that?

Chorong gulped, cleared her throat and blinked twice, "I, a victim of bully, have my eyes on a certain someone. If you all think its forbidden for a sewage rat to fall in love with a king, think that all you want because a pauper can be a princess so why not. I, Park Chorong, is head over heels over the top Kingka, Kim Seokjin. And none of you can change that. Ever." Chorong heaved a sigh of relief.

Seokjin looked up. He smirked. That kid got guts, not from what he knew. Everyone's head turns towards Seokjin, anticipating his answers, hearts saying 'don't accept' over and over like a mantra. The members raise their eyebrows, clearly genuine to know his answer. Seokjin gulped. He stood up and walked over to the table Chorong was standing on. There was an extra mic for a reason. Taeyeon was probably eating her fingers now. Seokjin took the mic and held it to his lips.

"Firstly, you're not shit. Secondly, I was the one who placed nice post-its in your locker. And thirdly, I don't it's forbidden for a sewage rat to fall in love with a king even though I wouldn't call you a rat because you suit the title Queen. Preferably, 'My Queen'," Seokjin smiles.

Taeyeon's hand was most probably gone by now. The kingkas group was cringing from the cheesiness. The whole cafeteria was silence but actually genuinely congratulated them because who knew Kim Seokjin was also head over heels over an ordinary girl?

Up Next: Accepted Pt 2

Guess who's next.

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