Black Out {Whole Cast}

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Rain poured from the dark sky as you and Misha walked into your shared hotel room. Falling onto one of the beds you sighed. Misha sat on the other bed and sighed along with you. Through the silence you could hear how hard it was raining outside. With a  sudden crash of thunder, lightening shot across the sky.

Then it went dark...

"Misha, what is going on?" You shot up from the bed.

You could here him mumbling to himself, "What is going on?"

"The power went out." Jensen and Jared walked into our room.

They sat down on the bed and immediately went on their phones. With some relief you laid back down. It was hotel, they had generators. Power would be back on in a few moments. Waiting patiently you decided just in case the power didn't come back on to save your phone battery.

"Flashlights are being handed out." Briana and Kim walked into the room.

Mark Sheppard and Osric followed them into the room. Soon more people walked into the room and started taking up room. Misha, Jared, Jensen, Mark, and Sebastian sat on one part of the room completely only paying attention to their phones.

"So when is the powering coming back on?" You questioned trying to squeeze into some space.

Briana and Kim stood next to you, "Since there have been flashlights handed out I can honestly say that they are thinking it'll be out for a few hours." Kim spoke.

"I don't think they'll last for a few hours." You pointed towards the guys.

Richard and Robbie walked in with smiles on their faces. They sat on the floor and they two started doing something on their phones. Getting impatient you sighed and lowered yourself to the floor. Kim and Briana joined you since they smartly also turned off their phones.

"We have a full night to just do nothing and we are spending it on the floor of a filled hotel room." Matt sat next to Kim, "This is what our lives have come to."

You smiled, "You are just angry that you can't go out drinking then come back and pass out."

"That isn't fully true." Matt responded.

"No." Jensen started yelling, "My phone just died. Fuck."

Moments after everyone who was on their phones were complaining of the same thing. Soon everyone was sitting on the floor in a circle, staring at each other. No one was talking and the soundless atmosphere was starting to drive you crazy.

"Someone say something." You snapped.

Richard cleared his throat, "What is there for us to talk about?"

"How is everyone doing?" Sebastian asked.

Kim shook her head, "We are not talking about feelings. Someone tell a scary story or something. Use this power outage for something good. Scare the shit out of us."

Misha quickly grabbed a flashlight and turned it on underneath his chin, "A long time ago there once was a man and his wife. They absolutely lived for the ruin of other people's lives. So each year they spend several weeks taunting and killing those who they deem to be too happy."

"Boo." The rest of the room yelled.

Misha put down the flashlight and Sebastian picked it up, "A long time ago in England there was a Mistress who was obsessed with the man that she had been having an affair with. Several times the man told her to go away, that he was done with her. One night before Halloween she grabbed an ax and walked to his house. Coming to the window she watched as the man and his wife sat on the couch. Slowly making her way into the house the mistress killed both the man and wife before bathing in the blood of her victims."

"That wasn't much better." Kim shook her head.

Soon everyone took a turn telling a scary story. Going around the circle you tried to think about a story that would scare them all. Once Briana handed you the flashlight you cleared your throat and took in a deep breath, "My scary story is..." You paused, "This years election."

Everyone in the room gasped before breaking out into laughter. After everyone settled back down Robbie started humming something. Your hotel door opened and in walked the rest of Louden Swain with their instruments. They joined the circle and handed Rob his guitar.

"Anyone know what song they want us to play?" Rob asked.

Everyone began calling out songs. Robbie caught onto one and began strumming on his guitar, "Your words are gentle oh, reflected in my window I would be the kind of girl I could talk to. And you seem like your kinda strange. Why can't you be a little less insane? I may be crazy at least I'm medicated." He sang like an Angel.

After Robbie finished Medicated there were more songs playing and shortly after people started falling asleep on one another. Yawning for the final time you crawled over to Matt and laid down on his chest. His arms wrapped around your body as you slowly drifted to sleep.

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