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Dear Aubree,

I had 29 days left.
"Seokjin! Where do you want to meet?" you asked through the phone.
"Um, is the bench near the flowershop okay?"
I suck at giving places. That was why I always let you choose the place when we dated.
"Yeah, it's okay. I'll meet you there in 15," you said and ended the call.
I was the one who arrived first at the flowershop.
I bought you your favorite flowers. Orchids. I always bought you flowers when we were together.
Past tense.
You arrived 5 minutes later.
"Aubree, I bought these for you," I said as I handed the bouquet of orchids to you.
"Jin, you didn't have to," you said shyly.
"Don't worry. I wanted to," I smile.
"I'll take you somewhere," you said and grabbed my hand.
"Somewhere," you teased.
You brought me to a simple park.
"I have to talk to you."
I was getting nervous. My palms were sweating and I took longer breaths.
You went to the picnic section, and sat down on the grass. I sat beside you.
"Do you..."
"What?" I ask curiously.
"Do you still have feelings for me?"
"Well... yeah. It never went away."
My answer made you silent.
"Jin... I'm sorry I broke up with you. I really am. I was stupid. Blind. He didn't love me. I hope... I hope you can forgive me."
I thought about my reply. You did hurt me. Did I even forgive you already?
But I still love you.
"I'm happy you're here... with me. I was actually surprised when you agreed to this," you said. Probably to break the silence.
"Well... I'm happy I'm here too," I replied. You rested your head on my shoulder and I place my head on yours.
I think I've forgiven you already.

Kim Seokjin

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