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Dear Seokjin,
I love you. God... I love you. I love how sometimes you just randomly sing and dance. I love that you know how to cook. You're charming and sweet and kind and handsome and all these other things... words can't describe how much I love you... and all the things I love about you. Thank you. So much. I'm so grateful.
I wish I could stay... but I have to go... my parents. You know what they are like. Possessive and crazy little freaks. I hope you understand.
Please... don't forget about me, okay?



I wipe my eyes, placing the letter on my desk. She's really leaving today.
I didn't care anymore if I'll look stupid. I still had time.
I grabbed my keys and drove away.
I arrive at the airport. I had 30 minutes.
Where the hell was she?
"Aubree..." I whispered, trying to find her in the sea of people.
"Aubree?" I shout. A few people looked at me.
There was no sign of her.
I run my fingers through my hair.
Where is she...?

Tick tock. Tick tock.
20 minutes left.
I asked so many people. I asked the guards, the staff, even other passengers.

Tick tock. 15 minutes left.
My heart stopped beating for a quick second.
There she was. I saw her.
"Aubree!" I hit the glass, trying to get her attention. She didn't notice.
Tick tock...
I ran to the entrance, but the guard stopped me.
"Sir, where is your ticket?"
I sigh. I was running out of time.
I ran back to the cashier to buy a ticket.
"What flight, sir?"
"Just give me a ticket. I need to go through that gate," I pointed.
Thankfully, the lady there understood that I was in a hurry.

I gave the guard my ticket, and ran to find her.
"Aubree?!" I scream. She was nowhere to be found.
My body was shaking.
I couldn't find her.

Tick tock.
9 minutes.
"Aubree! Where are you?!"
8 minutes.
I was pulling on my hair already.
7 minutes.
Tears were falling down my face.
6 minutes.

I jumped, and turned around. She was there... she was there.
"Aubree!" I hugged her. "Please... please don't leave me... Aubree..."
I was down on my knees, begging.
"Jin... get up," she said softly. I did.
"Jin... I..."
"Don't leave me, please!"
She was crying. "S-Seokjin..."
"Aubree... s-stay... don't l-leave me," I sob.
"I love you, Bree. Goddammit, don't leave me! Bree..."

Her flight was called.
I grabbed her wrist.
"Bree... B-Bree..."
My sobs were errupting violently from my body.
I can't... you can't leave me...
"Seokjin, I love you."
She kissed me. Her hands were cupping my face, and my hands were holding both of her wrists.
She broke the kiss.
"Wait for me," she whispered.
I failed. I failed to make her stay.
I cry in defeat. I kissed her forehead. She squeezed my hand.
"I love you," I told her. She let go of my hand.
And started walking away from me.
I walked to an empty seat, sobbing. My head was in my hands.
I didn't know how long I was there.

My heart broke once again when I heard the plane fly.

She's gone...
Far away...

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