hang out

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the bell above the door dings, warning the employees there's a customer. several looks pierce me as i make my way to order. they aren't judging kind of looks, more like "never seen that guy around before. must be new here" kind of looks. they don't stare for long, which is good. i hate eye contact.

its a small shop here. ten to fifteen people max. i might make this place a usual hang out, i think as the woman at the counter greets me. "how may i help you, sir?" "can i get a dr. pepper?" my voice is unintentionally shaky and quiet. she nods her head, "of course!" she tells me the price, i pay, and then she gives me the drink. that was swift. i think im gonna like it here, i tell myself.

i turn and look around for an empty table. there's one in the back corner, no one will bother me over there. the light bulb above it is busted, but the window will help out, and plus i have my laptop, that'll illuminate. i make my way to the table and lay my backpack down, and carefully pull out my laptop.

as im logging into my email, i feel someone hovering over me. im too scared to look up, i don't know why. humans bother me, i guess. the person clears their throat, in hopes of my attention, and i hesitantly look up. "that's my seat," she says, her voice not demanding. i look around, avoiding eye contact, "oh, im sorry," i start gathering my stuff.

"oh no," she stops me, "you can stay... if you want?"

i quirk my eyebrow, "oh?"

"if you want," she repeats, obviously afraid of rejection.

"alright." i nod my head, setting my backpack back down. she let's out a sigh of relief.

she looks away for a moment, and a smirk comes to her face. i raise an eyebrow. "youre new here?" she asks me. i nod my head, "is it that noticeable?" i chuckle nervously.

she laughs and nods her head, "oh yeah. im maxine. but please. call me max," she gives me her hand, and i reluctantly shake it, because my palms are sweaty. they're always sweaty, i roll my eyes. "im wyatt, nice to meet you, max."

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