Full Hands, Fuller Heart

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Two Days Later
Aria's Pov

Ezra walks into the living room carrying two steaming mugs, sitting down next to me on the couch. I press play on the remote, beginning the movie that we chose on Netflix.

"I hope this tastes good." He chuckles, handing me a mug. Ezra attempted to make my recent go-to drink, a chai tea latte.

"I'm sure it's delicious." I smile, pulling a blanket over us. Cuddling up to him the best I can without spilling my drink, I begin to fully relax for what feels like the first time today.

"How was work?" I ask. Ezra still teaches English classes at Hollis, which he loves just as passionately as he did years ago.

"Good." He replies "We're reading and analyzing one of my favourites right now, Heart of Darkness."

"You've always loved that book hey?" I smile.

"Yeah, it's amazing." Ezra says excitedly "I'm trying to get the students to be as passionate about it as I am, but I'm not sure that'll ever happen."

"I'm not sure anyone can be as passionate about it as you." I admit "Maybe not even the author."

"It's a close tie." He shrugs, grinning.

"Oh yeah, wanna know something funny?" I chuckle "Stella thinks you help old people for a living."

"What?" Ezra laughs "Why?"

"Well once I was explaining to her that you were a teacher, and she asked if you were like the ones at Piper's school. I said you were kind of like that, but instead of kids you taught people older." I explain "I guess it got a little mixed up in her brain, and when I said 'people older' she literally thought I meant senior citizens. The topic of your job somehow came up today, except instead of talking about teaching she asked what you do with the 'the old people' all day."

"I love two year olds." He laughs "Especially that one."

"Yeah, she's pretty great." I nod "Both our girls are."

"I kinda miss them when they're in bed," Ezra admits, briefly glancing at the stairs "Imagine how nice their sleepy cuddles would be right now."

"We could go get them and bring them downstairs." I suggest.

"Maybe." He replies hesitantly "But this has been the only night this week where there's nothing happening in the evening, the kids are in bed early enough, and we both have the time and energy to not go to bed right away. I think we should take this one little opportunity we have alone, you know we don't get those much anymore."

"You're right." I nod "It's not often we stay up and watch a movie together, especially on a weeknight. It's just...we make such cute babies."

"Indeed we do." Ezra smiles "Although they're not so much babies anymore."

"Yeah, that's true." I say sadly "We've got a kindergartener and a two and a half year old. Time passes so quickly."

"Remember the day we found out that Piper was a girl, and how it was like the hottest summer day ever." Ezra reminisces "We sat in the car for a few minutes after coming out of the ultrasound clinic, but it was so swelteringly hot that we had to start driving or else we would cook to death."

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