Seven Years Too Late

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The Next Day
Ezra's Pov

"Daddy!" Piper squeals suddenly, pulling her hand from mine as we walk down a crowded Philadelphia street.

"What Piper?" I ask, switching to holding Stella in the other arm.

"It's the cupcake thing, Auntie Hanna told me about it!" She exclaims, pointing to a sign that reads Cupcake ATM.

"The cupcake thing?" I question "What is it?"

"It gives you cupcakes!" Piper says excitedly "You can pick the kind you want and it comes out of there." She points to a little door, a screen next to it.

"No way," I say as I walk over to it, tapping the touch screen. Immediately, a selection list of cupcakes comes up.

"Can we get some?" Piper asks.

"We're not leaving here until we do." I reply. After getting three cupcakes, a red velvet for me, a raspberry-chocolate for Piper, and a rainbow-sprinkle for Stella, we find a bench in the sun and sit down.

"Dada look," Stella says holding her cupcake up to my face.

"That's cool Stell, it has rainbow sprinkles in the batter." I smile.

"Can I try yours?" Piper asks her younger sister.

"No," She whines "Mine."

"I'll let you have a bite of mine," Piper offers "It's yummy, it's chocolate and raspberry."

"Okay." Stella agrees, the two of them swapping cupcakes and taking a bite. As Stella reaches to hand her sister's cupcake back to her, it falls from her hand and onto the ground. Piper immediately lets out a loud cry, crossing her arms and pouting.

"Oops." Stella mutters, looking up at me expectantly.

"Don't look at me like that, you're the one that dropped it." I chuckle "Apologize to Piper, okay?"

"Sorry Pipey." She says.

"I-I just want another cupcake." Piper cries "I only got a few bites."

"Since it wasn't your fault it fell on the ground, I'll get you another one." I tell her "But only if you stop crying and forgive Stella, she didn't mean to."

"Okay Daddy," She sobs, wiping her eyes "I forgive you Stella."

"Good, now hug it out." I continue.

"No." Piper scrunches her nose up.

"It was worth a shot." I laugh.

"Huggy," Stella says, standing up and wrapping her arms around Piper best she can.

"Can't deny the baby sister a hug when she wants one." I chuckle, looking at Piper as she hugs Stella back.

"Not a baby." Stella corrects "I'm a big girl!"

"I guess you are, huh?" I sigh "But you'll always be my baby. Piper too."

"But I'm six." Piper states, holding her fingers up "That's not a baby."

"I know you're not actually a baby." I explain "But you'll always be my baby."

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