Lunch for Two

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The Next Day
Aria's Pov

I pull the blanket up even farther as my second episode this morning of Keeping up with the Kardashians plays. Over the years, reality tv has become my guilty pleasure.

During weekdays, Hanna and I will sometimes watch each other's kid to give the other person a break. We haven't done it for a few weeks, but today Madden is hanging out with Stella and I while Piper goes to school. Luckily, those two get along great, and pretty much keep each other busy all day. So lucky for me, I get to curl up on the couch while the kids play up in Stella's room.

I have the baby monitor on so I can listen in every few minutes to make sure everything's going good, I know that two toddlers don't always play fair. I pick up the monitor and hold it to my ear, frowning slightly at the conversation going on.

"Come on," Stella's voice encourages "It's just right there." Madden's voice doesn't reply, but I can hear his little footsteps pattering against the floor. After that, the baby monitor is silent, so after a sigh I stand up to check what's going on.

I quietly make my way up the stairs, peering into Stella's room. Although it's empty, there are toys covering the entire floor. I walk further down the hall, looking into Piper's room. Stella and Madden sit on the floor pulling toys out of the toy bin, not saying anything to one another.

"What do you think you're doing?" I say as I step into the room. Stella's eyes widen, and she immediately drops the doll she's holding.

"I wanna play with these toys." She says quickly. Even though I'm not mad, I continue on with the stern voice.

"But they're Piper's toys, and you know you can't play with them without her permission." I reply "Just like she can't play with yours. Now put them back in the bin and stick to your own toys."

"Okay." She mumbles, putting the toys back. I can't help but chuckle as I leave the room, quietly so Stella doesn't hear.

"Wait Momma!" She calls. I turn around just as Stella runs up to me, Madden right behind her.

"Me and Madden want ice cream." She states, giving me her perfect little smile.

"Oh do you?" I reply with a grin, glancing at Madden who watches me with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, right Madden?" Stella clarifies.

"Uh huh." He nods in agreement.

"Well considering it's not even 10am yet, I'm gonna say that you have to wait a little bit." I tell them "But can I make it up by giving you ice cream and cookies?"

"Yeah!" They both exclaim in unison.

"Okay." I laugh "We'll have that after lunch, but only if you each promise to have...I don't know...some cucumber first?"

"Can we have two cookies?" Stella asks with a smile.

"That depends on how much cucumber you eat." I reply, tapping the tip of her nose.

"We'll eat a lot." She huffs, then stomps back to her room.

"Funny one, isn't she Madden?" I chuckle, scooping him up in my arms. He just nods, grinning as he plays with my hair.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask him.

"Um..." Madden starts "I want cookies."

I can't help but chuckle "But what do you want to do. We can hangout here, go to the park, maybe visit Mommy at work?"

"Visit Momma." He answers "And park. And cookies."

"You got it dude." I smile.


A Few Hours Later

"Okay, a chocolate chip cookie for the Madd-man." I say as I hand Madden his cookie "And a double chocolate cookie for Stelly-bear." On the way to Hanna's store, we stopped off at The Brew to get cookies as I promised. Ezra still owns it, so both kids are used to hanging out here.

"Mommy can I have a chocolate milk?" Stella asks as we go to leave.

"Not today." I respond, taking her hand and lifting Madden higher up on my hip.

"A lemonade?" She continues, skipping along beside me.

"Another day Stell." I say "We're going to auntie Hanna's store now."

"Momma?" Madden asks, taking a little bite of his cookie.

"Yep." I reply as I unlock the car "We're going to see Momma now." Once both kids are buckled into their car seats, I begin the short drive to Hanna's clothing store, LUXE.

The little bell chimes as we walk in, a few costumers glancing at us. A moment later, Hanna walks out from the back of the store, her eyes lighting up when she sees us.

"Mommy!" Madden exclaims, pulling his hand from mine and running over the woman who awaits with open arms.

"Well this is a nice surprise." Hanna smiles after kissing her sons cheek.

"We were out and Madden wanted to stop by and say hi." I explain.

"I'm glad you did." She says "I'll take any opportunity to see three of my favourite people. How are you guys, is Madden being good for you?"

"Oh he's just a little sweetie." I reply "As usual. And weren't you supposed to stay home and relax today, why'd you come into the store?"

"I was gonna stay home," Hanna shrugs "But there was so much to do here that I just couldn't relax properly."

"Oh yeah, have you hired another employee yet?" I ask.

"Not yet." She replies "But Morgan updated her availability and has been taking more shifts this month, so that's helping. LUXE is really growing."

"Oh definitely." I nod "Remember when it was just online for the first while? Then when it finally had it's first location, that tiny little space on the corner of Reginald and Yates? Now look where you are, you had to move to an even bigger store because of all the business you're getting."

"We've come a long way, me and this store." Hanna smiles "This is like a dream to me. And one day, do you know who's gonna have their first part-time job here? You two!" She points at Madden and Stella, grinning excitedly.

"Why?" Stella asks.

"What do you mean why?" Hanna chuckles "Don't you want to work for your auntie Hanna?"

"Okay." She shrugs in agreement "Now?"

"Not now Stell, when you're older." Hanna tells her.

"How much older?" Stella asks "When I'm as big as Piper?"

"No." Hanna laughs "Even older than that."

"Why?" Stella questions.

"Because," She explains "I don't think the customers would like it if you couldn't reach the till or see over the countertop."

"Oh." Is all Stella says, her eyes fixated on a little boy walking past the window with an ice cream.

"Are you looking at the boy or the ice cream?" Hanna teases her, receiving an eye roll from me.

"Daddy." Stella replies.

"You don't see Daddy. He's at..." I trail off as I see Ezra across the road, sitting at a table outside of a restaurant "Work." Normally this wouldn't surprise me, as with his hour long lunch break, Ezra has time to go out and get food. I would happily go and say hi to him, under different circumstances. But it seems as if he doesn't need company right now, because at the moment, he's sitting across from a smiley blonde woman.

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