The Cat Bed

84 13 18

October 25

Today, Olivia gave me a cat bed. At first, I was not sure what it was for. The old cat bed I knew was a pillow that I had dragged under the big oak tree. 

My old cat bed had recently been torn apart by the Puppies. (I hate the Puppies. They are evil.) I had never really slept on it much, either. Through the warm nights of the summer, I never thought I would have a need for it.

However, it has been getting colder. I have never been through this "winter" as the Beast calls it since I was a tiny kitten. It was very cold yesterday morning, but I did not have my pillow to curl up on for warmth. Olivia found me outside under the chair.

"I'm cold, human!" I meowed to her. 

She did not understand me. She never does. She cuddled up with me on the swingy-thingy, another thing that I hate. I was already angry about being cold, so I bit her hand. Of course, like always, she got angry as well. I jumped off the swingy-thingy before she could scold me and I went back under my chair. 

"That concrete has got to be uncomfortable, Pepper." She said in that human language. "Let me go get you something." She walked away into the home.

Soon, she came out with this thing I had never seen before. It was dark brown, oddly shaped, and very squishy, almost like.... almost like Chew-Toy! 

I inspected the thing and pawed at it a bit. It didn't jump or run away like Chew Toy did. It did not beg me for carrots. It wasn't like Chew Toy... What was it?

To find out, I pounced on it and tried to eat it. But then, Olivia scolded me and flicked me on the nose. I released my death grip on the thing. Suddenly, Olivia picked me up and placed me on top of the thing.

Surprisingly, it was comfortable. I closed my eyes and took a nap. 

I was awoken to hot breath on my nose. I opened my eyes to find the Beast looming above me. "Meow?" I squeaked, terrified of her.

"You better watch your back, pesky cat." The Beast growled, "That cat bed is going to be mine someday." Then, the Beast trotted away, tail wagging innocently behind her.

That's how I learned what the thing was called. It sure looked a lot different than my old cat bed. Hm. I hope the Beast doesn't take it from me. I sure do like it....

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