The Roof

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Greetings, humans. First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for the support when I was hurt. Second of all, apparently my human didn't give the full story of my injury and recovery. This is my story:


I was sleeping on the roof, as usual, to avoid the disgusting Beast and Chew Toy and that dreaded human we call Olivia. In the morning, as I was climbing down to receive my morning meal, I suddenly slipped and fell off the fence. I tried to land on my feet but it was so short a fall, I didn't have time. I landed on my back instead.

I yowled out in pain, alerting one of Olivia' that reside with her. Apparently, Olivia had not been there. They immediately brought me inside the dwelling. 

I tried to tell them I had hurt my back, but they could not understand me. The humans tried to get me to walk and play, but sadly I could not. My legs hurt, my paws hurt, everything hurt. I was not hungry. I could not do anything but sleep. I simply laid under the large, colorful tree the humans keep all afternoon. 

When Olivia returned that night, she found out that there was something wrong with me. She quickly asked for advice from all of you humans, and when only one human responded, she went to do research. 

Amongst all Olivia's worries, there I lay, suffering from my injuries. I did not know if I would live to see another day of catching lizards, annoying Chew Toy, and running from the Beast and the Puppies. I cried out in anguish all night.

The next day, Olivia realized through a series of her own tests that my back was injured. She sent yet another message to you humans and then made an appointment with the vet. 

The day after that, when I awoke, suddenly I felt a bit better. I took one wobbly step and then another. Then I fell. It was a start, at least. Olivia rejoiced and rewarded me with treats, even though my back still ached fiercely. 

The vet visit the following day brought good and bad news. The bad news was that I had a ringworm in my left ear, and my back would have a slow recovery. The good news was that my back was not broken, just twisted and hurt. I would recover from this. I was also given medicine for both the ringworm and my back. 

And here I am now, typing for you humans. I am feeling much better, not nearly well enough to climb to the roof again, but still good enough to eat, sleep, type, and play. 

Thank all you humans, especially my Pepper Squad. ilikedogs44BentOvrBckwrds1Amy_and_AmandaShriyaisawesome, and EVOLVED_LUCID for helping me through this!


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