Tagged and Selfie Challenge!

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So a few days ago AluraFlare challenged me to do a selfie making a certain silly face and I'd forgotten but when I was tagged several times this week I remembered and decided to include it on this chapter. So here ya go Alura 😂:

And I was given two tagged challenges yesterday so here's one

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And I was given two tagged challenges yesterday so here's one. I'll post the next one either later or sometime this week.
This one was from marcosist :

1. What is something you have tried, but will never do again?

It would probably have to be playing truth or dare at night with a bunch of girls you don't know very well from school...

2. What quirky habit do you have?

I actually can't think of anything right now... I'll think about it more and edit this later if I find something.

3. Who is your best friend?

Irl, either Rylie or Peyton. (These are ppl at my school.) outside of school probably klroberts934
My wattpad best friend is marcosist
But I have so many other amazing friends too. Marco is just special cuz he's my Canadian potato.
(Here are my other besties tho
sharktail or sharky_the_whale
Sorry if I missed you!!! <3)

4. One thing in your past you wish you could undo?

Well, let's see... I actually haven't done anything I regret enough to change but there are small things that I wanna punch myself for being stupid about. *cough cough* cringe attacks, for all those who know what I'm talking about 😂.

5. Biggest fear?

Finding out all my insecurities are true. For example: if I figured out no one actually likes me.

6. What is the one place in the world you wished you lived?

I actually love where I'm at but I've always wanted to visit Austria so badly. I don't even know why I just love the idea of going there.

7. Would you rather be loved or have a lot of money?

Just as I said in the earlier question, I'd WAY rather be loved.

8. What is the happiest memory from your childhood?

Probably when me and my mom went down to Tennessee for like a week and staid at an awesome lodge down there. We went to an amazing aquarium and all these cool attractions and camped out at the lodge.

9. Most embarrassing moment in your life?

Probably when I was like 5 or 6 and my pants fell down while I was doing jump rope in front of our schools basketball team. I still get embarrassed telling this story, even if I was like 6.

10. What would you change about your personality or look?

Well, I've always wanted green eyes.

11. Describe your crush?

Ugh, I hate this question. So, I guess you could say it's pretty complicated. There's one guy who's really awesome and stuff but it's REALLY complicated so there's another guy I like as well because the other thing is complicated soooo...
Let's just say they both have an awesome sense of humor and that's pretty much what I look for in people 😂👌🏻 that's all I'm gonna say for now, if y'all really care to know, I might tell you in PMs or something. Idk.

12. Who has influenced you the most in life?

My mom for sure.

13. What is the one career your love to enter?

Game design and graphic arts.

14. Are you close with your family?

Very, but I'm also really close to friends.

15. Where is the one place in the world you feel safe?

At Renaissance festivals with my favorite people.

16. What is the one thing you want to experience before you die?

Honestly, I know this sounds cheesy but... Maybe love? Like the real stuff. (AKA true love 😂)

So that's the end of that one.
If you want, you can do these questions, but I challenge marcosist to do them especially since he sent them to me but didn't ever do it himself... Or at least I don't think he did 😂. I should probably go check... So yeah! Bye!

-Hannah ❤️

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