This is a side chapter(not real)

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There once was a girl, around 14 years old. She was a girl who seemed to have an eternal smile etched onto her face and it always seemed like she had an infinite amount of positivity within her. She would smile and run around doing favors and tasks for her teachers and best friends. She would also try her best to stay out of trouble and get good grades. She was happy,or so it seemed. Nobody knew of the lingering sadness within her eyes and behind her smile. As they say, the saddest of people always seem to smile the brightest. She continued with her daily life always plastering that same smile on her face. She would always wait for the day that someone would finnaly notice how fake her "smile" really was. But for years nobody seemed to notice and the scars continued to get deeper and deeper until one day she didn't show up to school.
The girl's classmates and teacher's all took notice of her absence but didn't think much of it until the principal came in.
The class paused in their tracks and turned their attention towards the principal who was standing at the front of the room with a Suellen look on her face.

The principal was silent for a few moments before saying;
"Layla is no longer among us...she Was found hung in her room...where she died...her mother gave us the note she wrote before dying... It's for all of you... So please listen carefully."

The note reads;
"Dear Mrs.zuniga and the whole class, thank you for all of the best years, moments, laughter,jokes, and heartfelt moments. I can say it's been a fun ride with you all. I hope you all don't miss me too much. I mean I'm not that important and never was. I always felt more like I was a burden rather than any help to people when they needed it but hey, I tried and that's what's important. But I have to go. I'm sorry. I won't be alive tomorrow. I have endured so much pain and for years it was breaking me and turning me insane. I was waiting for someone, anyone to just notice how fake my smile was. So I'm sorry. I guess I wasn't good enough. I'll try better next time. Till next time~"

Those were layla's exact words. After reading off the letter all of the class was crying or grieving for their now dead classmate.

I as the principal just sighed and walked out of the room.

That day was truly a sad day for everyone layla knew. It was a day that everyone realised that layla had tried to help them and not destroy them. They realised that all she wanted to do was make people happy. They realised that layla never thought about herself and always tried to help others before herself. They realised and learned how much pain that layla had to go through in her life. They realised that everyday was a battle for her to stay alive because she was crumbling inside. After so many years they now realised that she took her own life. After so many years they now realise how genuine layla truly was. Even now after so many years after her death they still talk about her and her actions. They never forgot about her.

Legends say;You would hear occasional laughter that sounds like a girls laughter in room 121, which is ms.zunigas advisory room where she once would go to for advisory in the mornings'. Legend also says that sometimes you can see her walk and roam the halls of the school with her school books and chrome book in hand with a sad expression that would be forever plastered onto her face.
But whatever the legends say you can never forget how layla helped change everyone for the better.

The end.
I wrote this to kinda tell you what I feel like today. It's ok if you don't like it. You don't have to. Well till next time~ 8)

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