The signs as GHOSTS

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Aries: Hides in closets and screams like a demon.

Taurus: Doesn't do much other than move objects around.

Gemini: Knocks shit over, or smashes glass.

Cancer: Comforts children and acts like a guardian angel.

Leo:Terrorizes crowds, but has a soft spot for kids.

Virgo:Rearranges everything and makes crazy noises at night.

Libra:Shows up in mirrors, and leaves clues where to find them.

Scorpio:Seeks revenge, haunting those who did them wrong.

Sagittarius:Sets shit on fire.

Capricorn:Summons Lucifer in people's houses.

Aquarius:Possesses people.

Pisces:Becomes child ghost, and befriends children. Can be good or bad.

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