The signs as phobias

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Aries: Coulrophobia (Fear of clowns because let's face it, they are creepy as frick)

Taurus: Arachnophobia (fear of spiders. in fact they are probably under your seat right now)

Gemini: Mottephobia (fear of moths. Dan Howell much?)

Cancer: Didaskaleinophobia (Fear of school. good side of this is that it probably only hits kids)

Leo: Phasmophobia AKA Spectrophobia (Fear of ghosts. Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!)

Virgo: Nyctophobia (Fear of darkness, but what about the darkness within us?)

Libra: Pogonophobia (Fear of beards? Oh no, watch out for Santa!)

Scorpio: Acrophobia (Fear of heights and the fall that usually comes afterward)

Sagittarius: Trypophobia (Fear of being buried alive. Just avoid coffins just in case..)

Capricorn: Claustrophobia (It's NOT a fear of Santa (see above)  its a fear of small spaces, ya know like the closet or elevator)

Aquarius: Thanatophobia (Fear of death, you know, that thing were ALL afraid of? Just maybe a little more than us) 

Pisces: Nosocomephobia (Fear of hospitals. Let's face it though, no one likes hospitals)

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