The signs at 50% off quotes.

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If you haven't seen 50% off on YouTube, check it out! It's hilarious. :3

Aries: "This is it. This is the year I get my penis back from that dolphin who stole it!"

Taurus: "Why he touchin' my man? WHERE HE GOIN' WITH MAH MAN?"

Gemini: "Oh no. I got a flashback boner."

Cancer: "Swim team nothing! I want that boy to be my bride!!"

Leo: *Booty booty booty rockin' everywhere* "Bitch you gonna be mine."

Virgo: "I'm sinning tonight!"

Libra: "Painting sure is fun! You know what else is fun? Killing your best friend!"

Scorpio: "What's up slut! Guess who just got out if prison!"

Sagittarius: "THEY'RE MY OSTRICHES!!"

Capricorn: "Do not be alarmed! I'm about to be hilarious!"

Aquarius: "USURPER!"

Pisces: "The loser has to commit ...swimpuku."

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