The signs as Harus (50% off again)

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Aries: Stilts Haru.

Taurus: 4 wheeler Haru.

Gemini: The Haru that shot the Haru that can read.

Cancer: The Haru that thought this show was about drugs or something.

Leo: The Haru that doesn't like mackerel.

Virgo: Dentist Haru.

Libra: The Haru that thinks the USURPER joke is still funny.

Scorpio: The Haru that needs bricks in the Settlers of Catan.

Sagittarius: The actual Haru.

Capricorn: The Haru that had to "convince" the other Haru's that he was Haru.

Aquarius: Little mermaid Haru.

Pisces: The Haru that could read.


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