Chapter 1

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     I was just trying to help, I didn't mean to kill anybody! I just killed a father and even left his daughter at stake. I tried everything, but even I should be proved guilty and I don't want to be incarcerated to the gates of discomfort. It was then I realized too much trust and hope can kill you...

     Later, I snapped out and woke up under the canopy of gleaming stars. I was glad it was just a notorious nightmare that nearly spared my existence, or my duty. I turned my head around as my eys caught the two skating, like I saw what was about to happen in imminent time. I picked up my pace and I knew it was coming, so I went off to make sure none of the tragedies ruin the face of fantasy. As everything is exactly going the way it definitely is in my dream, I shrugged myself in discomfort. I threw everything again as I made the little girl dream, this time with the thoughts of fear and realization of the pain she has to endure as she reaches her ambition. She was alright, until she fell like she did in my dream. Unlike in my thoughts, she never stood up. The little girl gave up, cried, and never wanted to skate again.

     "Daddy! I don't want to skate ever again..."

     Hearing these words, my heart was shattered, tormented into reality as my mind stumbled over thorns. I didn't mean for all these to happen, I just destroyed a wondrous future that should have been a majestic journey for her. I was totally doomed into existence...

     I killed a dream...

     I never thought I would be such a murdering beast. I am a monster. A huge and terrifying one. Now I never doubt why such people don't believe in me, nor appreciated my transparent existence. I built myself a bench made of ice as I knew only I could see it nor sit on it. Landing on it, I fell as if the bench were never there. What happened to the bench? Why did it disappear? Why was I born like this?!

     I'm pretty much upset and disheartened of what was going on with my spirit. As I collapsed, I crawled under the leafless branches of a Cherry Blossom tree. I don't want to continue living like this, about what happened to the girl back in the lake was too intense for me. I'd be better of anyways leaving her dreamless rather than fatherless and legless, but still I was eye-ripped from the scene. I looked over the branches that shaded me from the stars, talking to the bright aura that surrounded me, wondering why they just keep spangling and stay there to be wished upon, and light our hearts. The tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star started playing in my head while titlting my head in different angles in different perspectives to watch the stars emanate light. It wasn't really the shorter version that was dancing in my musical lobe, but the original poem that I've known for over centuries.

     Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

     How I wonder what you are.

     Up above the world so high,

     Like a diamond in the sky.

     When the blazing sun is gone,

     When he nothing shines upon,

     Then you show your little light,

     Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

     Then the traveller in the dark,

     Thanks you for your tiny spark,

     He could not see which way to go,

     If you did not twinkle so.

     In the dark blue sky you keep,

     And often through my curtains peep,

     For you never shut your eye,

     'Till the sun is in the sky.

     As your bright and tiny spark,

     Lights the traveller in the dark.

     Though I know not what you are,

     Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

     Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

     How I wonder what you are.

     Up above the world so high,

     Like a diamond in the sky.

     Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

     How I wonder what you are.

     How I wonder what you are.

     Those stanzas I remember all throughout my life, indefinite of the popularized short versions but still they make me smile like the children do when they are startled by the rhyme. Looking back over the dreams I've broken today, I kept holding back and believing I did the right thing. After all, it's better than looking over fragmented pieces of a little heart.

     This enigma that's growing inside of me, so desperate to unravel my existence. I'm saying everything all over again, but it's like a fact that I have no mere purpose, no polished goal.  I cried myself under the frozen starlight, but my tears never fell and froze before they could drop. Why can't I shed the lashes of my tears nor let it go? It's so disturbing, very frustrating for me to live indefinitely and face the world without closing my eyes forever. I can never fly or glide across the water, so I chose to walk across the streets, looking over windows of sleeping children as I hear their dreams murmur to my thoughts.

     Passing by one of my favorite children, it was Robin who dreamt of being an astronaut since he was 3rd grade. It was his birthday tomorrow as I read his imaginations dancing into space and levitating with the stars, in the peak of intense obsessions. I just wonder if I had a dream like that too, reach for the heavens above and know what those stars really are, but I just can't. I look at myself, but instead I see a normal being. I don't believe in what I'm supposed to do and I can't understand my cold and miserable life with plain ice. Why am I like this in the first place?

     It was belief... That's it. It's belief! If I believe in what I could do, I think I could do it. To become one of odds, I believe in myself. I dance with the skies, with the clouds, with snowflakes, and the skies. It's what I am, it's what I can do, it's what I want. I can make your dreams dance into reality without opening your eyes. To insipre is the glory I have in glowing ice. I'm gonna reach for the aura above by making my own dreams come true. As I make a castle of Cinderella, I sock hop and loop over while growing an infinite beanstalk towering above the world, tagging along those who wish to join me in my journey to the stars.

     I climbed, and skipped, and laughed, and threw my magic all over the stalk as I froze the clouds and iced the wind...

     The tiny icicles of leaves that scattered over the ice-built beanstalk of imagination endlessly twirled over the atmosphere as I kissed the snow hello. It was all about believing in yourself, climbing up to the top of the world and looking down over stationary fireflies that dotted the earth. From this point of view, I would never want to go back down again. Besides, I can still make everyone believe without adorning closer.

     I was at the dead line of space, growing closer to each star as I pace a light year closer to it. Beyond the majestic beauty crowning the universe with jewels, I turn my head to the west of my eyes. What was that? An emanating object glides towards my position as it appeared to be some sort of humanoid figure. The furthest thing I heard before I was blinded by it's radiance...

     "... Alicia Starling..."

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