Chapter 2

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     I opened my eyes, whitened to a blurred vision feated with a shadow of humanoid resemblance. I heard her speak of my name... How did she? Know? I was breathless to say, about to spill my innocent curiosity towards this being before I could even sett off to look closer to what a star really is.

     "Who are you?" I mumbled softly as my lips froze with the darkness of space.

     "I'm a member of the monarchy, one of the stars that govern the Kingdom of Fairentella." Her featherly voice echoed through my ears as her shadown among the bright aura faded my vision to nothing. All I could see was only a black silhouette of the lady.

     "How did you know my name? What are you? What are you speaking of Fairentella?" Brought upon questioning, I asked once more.

     "My name is Inferia, the Kingdon of Fairentella is where you are. The vast oceans of galaxies and the entire infinity of the universe is Fairentella, governed by the gods and goddesses of fantasies and the granter of dreams to wishes."

     As she spoke those words, my insides burned up a bit, rising indifference of who I am. I thought I was the goddess of the dreams? Who am I really??? Despite this intriguing statement, I kept everything to myself. I stepped backwards as I created my own pathway around space. Indeed, she was a star, a bright spirit emanating light as I moved away. If you move closer, I guess it would reveal the silhouette of their true identity. I spoke to her continuously as we began a heartwarming conversation.

     "Okay, how to these granting of wishes come true in the first place?"

     "People at the surface of the earth come about with their own fantasies and beliefs towards the nature of their very own existence. As they start dreaming, there comes the birth of a wish, wishes that govern the spirit of our existence and wishes that make themselves believe in luck." She explained in a detailed language.

     "How do you grant these wishes anyway? Who decides?" I questioned her, stepping nack a little further as the whitened vision faded into the star she is.

     "It isn't merely us who decides whether or not possible wishes can come true. For other wishes remain into fantasies, some pass and are brought to the righteousness of the Lord of the Stars." She relayed.

     "Who is the lord of the stars?" I kept questioning her as of this moment. She pointed to the brightest star above earth, the star that exactly aligned at the position of the poles.

     "That is North, the Lord of the Stars, the father of fantasies and the posessor of the poles. Without him, there would be no such things as the sweet side of people, nor the ambitions of tomorrow. Also, it's him who keeps the earth aligned and prevent it from swirling down to darkness and prevent the entire world from freezing with fear along with his warm and bright radiance. He's an immortal being that has been here forever." She replied. I was still lacking something, if there was a north star, what about a south star? So I asked this mind-blogging existence in my thoughts.

     "... There is no southern star. Well, South was there before, the mother of the stars who had disintegrated into giant nebulae, but her existence no longer persists, even if she was the mother of many stars that rule Fairentella. Like North, she used to hold the earth in place along with him and keep it from freezing. But now that she isn't here for millenia, the south pole was as cold as stone and left Antarctica a barren dessert of frozen fears. That's why people rarely go there since then, but we never heard a word of what really happened to her in the last place..." Sad to hear that, there was a vast history of stars up here. I just can't believe it.

     "Well, I guess he might be the immortal and the most powerful being among you..." I talked back in sad dissapointment of the absence of the south star.

     "... No... North isn't the most powerful being and deathless being." She spoke as her star twinkled.

     "Wait, what?" I became curious again. She shone the light to the sun, another bright thing that shone among space or should I say, Fairentella.

     "The Sun itself is a star too, right? A big one. Being the Overlord, the Stars Under Necrosis, or should I say 'SUN' is comprised of spirits that once dwelled in a star. As these stars once tread Fairentella, their eternal rest is granted over the sun where they join the overlord with the sun growing bigger and bigger centuries over centuries."

     I have heard enough, outer space has its own history of its complex society. I couldn't believe how stars came to be and what their destiny is in the first place. I nodded to her and turned away.

     "Thanks for everything Inferia, I'll be right back." I murmured with an indefinite smile because of many more unanswered questions.

     "Sure, I'll just be here..." She replied.

     I walked away as I treaded Fairentella. Space was just so big and infinite, I couldn't believe life could be this, fantastic! I continued walking in small steps as ice proceeded to build the path I made in space, like a theme park already built for me. I started running as another star just caught my vision, it was as bright as Inferia, but this one was brighter, so I made a run for it.

     "HEY!!!" I shouted with a high spirit.

     "Who dares shout to a star of Fairentella!" A low voice hummed and echoed with a fun-witted mood.

     "My name is Alicia, and --" I was cut-off.

     "ALICIA? GET AWAY FROM ME!!! GO AWAY YOU MONSTER OR I'LL CALL THE CRUISERS!" Panicked, he exclaimed this intriguing statement to my face.

     "Whoah! Easy!!!" I answered back.

     "NO! I won't take you easy! You're Alicia Starling!!! Now that you're all grown up, you will destroy the face of Fairentella. Now you must leave!!!" He retardedly spoke to me, I can't believe what he just said. His star started to illuminate brighter as it blinded me, heating me up as I weakened in darkness. In this brief glance, other smaller stars started to surround me and swallow me in disturbing radiance that is somehow consuming my being. Before I closed my eyes shut amidst the pain, these last words murmured throughout my thoughts.

     "You're too cold, you can't even make dreams last or make people believe. You can never make fantasies seem real and can't even make them dance permanently in their fantasies..."

     Then I fell down back to Earth...

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