Chapter 3

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     I fell down back to the surface...

      I slowly obliged to open my eyes, grasping the snow that outlined my body under the twilight scened sky. I think it had been around 6 days since I passed out, looking around with all the new environment I can see. I just don't remember what happened back up there, such a minor concussion that dislodged my memories. Up there was too much of a complex kingdom, much more of stars being alive after all. I brushed off the snow and stood up, reminiscing at the picturesque as this scene looked familiar of some sort, but I let it go and walked. I heard the midnight bells ringing, stricking the moment where Christmas comes. It was Christmas! This ignited my soul as I skipped door to door, warming everyone with the true and kindling spirit of the season. It was high time for me to visit Robin, take a look on what he had this Christmas.

      I leaned towards his window, waiting for him to tear the wrappers apart and reveal his present for this year. It was a space helmet, something I know that he had always been asking for, but what?

     "I don't..." He pouted submissively, but why???

     "No dad, I don't want to be an astronaut anymore..." Shocked with his statements, I left what I was watching and ran away tormented. I went back to the park where I would usualyl collapse to ask myself again, what have I done wrong now??? I had been loyal to Robin especially since the beginning, but... Why would his dreams fade like most children I make believe do? I'm such a time-wasting monster, a horrible being just wasting the wealth of people. I'm such a wreck.

     I make nightmares now and even kill dreams...

     I walked around the park, leaving trails of icicle ferns and making frost over lamp posts. The wind was howling loud tonight amidst the holiday, papers tossed and tumbled across the slate and landed on my feet. I read the headlines of newspapers and their headlines.

     "U.S. Gov to shut down porcelain micro industries... Father dies trying to save his daughter at nearby park la -- ..."

     WHAT DID I JUST READ... I stopped it all and rubbed my eyes from the headache that started to swell up inside. The image on the paper... It was the ones I killed in my dream...

     I looked over it once more, I don't understand why I would mistaken that for a car accident. Besides, it was just a dream and I'm pretty sure they're okay. The moon was full, its light scattering across the burdened days of mine. Looking up and yondering around the stars, I still have a thousand more lights to ask, I still have to know what they really are. I gripped the pole beside me, standing over the bench adjacent to it and gazing at each star closely. North, as I was told, was the brightest star that also aligned with north pole, too bad my eyes can't see it from this state. I froze myself another stairway to heaven, lined with the stars of fairy tales and merry leaves of Christmas. Who wouldn't want a seasonable decoration to my ascension back up there? In the brisk of time, my head blew, my thoughts remembering of the star who rejected me and brought me back to earth, another reason for me to ask "why" would he throw me out.

     I danced while I climbed the staircase, looking above the heavens as they watch over the face of the earth while we lie here unknown that there are gods and goddesses looking over us.

     Sometimes, I just came to think on why I won't just imagine an elevator to the moon. Ugh. Why would I be such a stupid person with powers.

     So I did, I imagined a block-long terrace of ice apart for the creation of the elevator to the stars. Again, why didn't I imagine an elevator with windows to see. UGH.

     There we go again, finally I got every bit of burden I made into it's parallel state. I watched the clouds freeze as the elevator touched them, looking down to the dotted lights of tomorrow as Christmas was the day. I was going back up there to ask them more, learn more, and be more.

     Then I started to wonder, why didn't I make this elevator speed up to the speed of light? Okay fine I admit my naive stupidity, and I did make it go. Though I know this could make me sick, it never did for I believed I won't be.

     Back to see the stars, I stepped out of the elevator car as my first step frosted into a path like I did before. This scene was somewhat recognizable, I barely remember it as the exact place where I started exploring the light. I can't believe I would just land on the same place again. Looking to my left, however, I didn't see Inferia, the star that introduced me to their so-called kingdom Fairentella. What happened to that star? I kept searching every inch of the cosmos and even located the distant star that brought me back to earth for an unknown apparent reason.

     "... Where is that star?" I asked myself, knowing that no one could be left there to answer my questions. Maybe her position in the alignment has changed, so I went off avoiding the distand star that brought me to court over the 'cruisers' of Fairentella. I was getting bored circling earth, as if I had already made the world a planetary ring, but it was fun to look at it anyways. I sprang from my dormant spirit and chased for the cosmos, looking down at earth and building herself a ring made of ice. In a brief moment before I could reach three-fourths of completing the ring, I stopped with such imminent disturbitude. I couldn't believe it, it was Inferia once again, this time in a different place for an unknown and specific or scientific reason.

     "Inferia!" I exclaimed with my voice breaking amidst the silence of space. She twinkled as her silhouette revealed itself to me as I got closer.

     "Alicia..." She murmured calmly, as if she knew something was wrong.

     "Do not ever go near stars of strangers okay..." Without letting me speak, she advices me and tells me not, again I was left in question.

     "Inferia... Why would the --" I was outspoken.

     "Never mind that, just don't go near them..." She insisted.

     "But, I just want to know why --" Cut again, I was deadlocked from speaking.

     "ALICIA. SOME QUESTIONS HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE ANSWERED." I was silenced before I could know, this left me broken for curiosity and never dared to ask again. In the midst of awkward silence, she broke it and calmly went with the wind of space. I looked away from her.

     "Alicia, let me tell you something..." It longed before I chose to turn my head around.

     "What is it?" In a sudden flash of time, she disappeared once more without the bleep of informative response. I looked around once more to get the response of silence from the space kingdom, nothing but crafts of the galaxy for me to see. In the clasp of time, I heard thunder rumble across my face with the deafening screams of aftershocks at the magnitude of my capabilities. Before I was castaway from existence, my vision cut to a vision of black and never saw a thing again.

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