Chapter 4

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     The sight was unpredictable, indifferent perspective from what I really perceived of the skies. Before I could even make a sound of my presence, my beg for mercy was tested upon their will. I woke up and eased my eyes upon the light, blinding my eminent vision as I couldn't move. It finally cleared up as I moved my head up to see what was really going on. I was held captive.

     "Alicia Starling..." The being's low voice hummed and reverberated through the hall in space. It was an indefinite sight for me to view as space clouds hang low throughout my field of vision. I couldn't really find out what was going on in the first place. The voice trembled towards me once more as he left my name for me to hear, it's such a heart-pounding sensation hearing my own name reverberated for a number of times.

     "... Who are you?.. " I try to speak with my teeth gnawed back from the blackness that surrounds me.

     "Alicia, my daughter... Why have you come back???"

He indirectly answers my question as he mentions me as her daughter, signing a possibility that he could be my father (?) in the first place. Curiosity takes it out on me as an eye opener, I come out in golden shackles and chains of coldness.


     "Alicia... Who raised you and why are you still alive..."

     "Daddy???" I sigh upon calling him, as if it were a long time I had not seen him but regarded me as a threat and even shocked to find his own daughter was even alive. My eyes swell up.

     "Why are you doing this to me?!" I now start to retaliate his force, his star becoming more prominent as I' now unsure if I should be proud of being the daughter of a star. I start to cough and choke on the thin mist that enveloped the star to its intensifying tone.

     "BECAUSE I AM THE KING AND ITS MY DUTY TO SAVE THE ENTIRETY OF MY KINGDOM! I am King Starling and it's my will to keep it runnign under its feet."

     I bow my head battered to a mass of defeat, those low humming voices nearly killed me with meaning, striking sense, and mere power from words. I start crying with my dress starting to melt and get worn out. Is he really my father in the first place? Is he really the king of the stars? Is this what you call a real father? A true hero? A mighty king? Then my mind goes into deep annotation as some unanswered statements relocate my persistence. The words that speak of me being too cold, make dreams do come true. If I was a daughter of a star, why am I not like them???

     "... I'm not your daughter!"

     "Yes you are, but now you're my prisoner as well..."

     "Shut up and get me out!!!"

     "Keep still, or your chains will electrocute you..."

     ".. THIS THING ---"

     The current sent me to a vast electrical spin, flashing me images of nightmares I once dreamed of and horrifying disasters I made in my imaginations. A star could be as violent this to his daughter, but why again?! I should be one of them, but why am I in this body?

     "... AM I TOO COLD FOR YOU DADDY? Or should I even bother calling you that..."

     It took him a moment to turn to me with a line I spoke. "... How did you know about coldness..."

     It didn't even sound like he was asking a question after all, but merely brushing the discretion of hiding secrets from me.

     "Oh, some friend of yours..."

     "You have no right to question your well-being..."

     "NO, I HAVE. Because I have the right to know about my true entity together with my privacy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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